This week you have a unique opportunity to offer your opinion on how we can make the Internet more secure! On July 7 and 8 our global Internet Society membership meeting, InterCommunity 2015, will bring together thousands of people all around the world to address critical questions around the future of the Internet – how Read more…
Jul 06
FIR #815
An in-depth discussion on the challenges for Microsoft as it prepares to roll out Windows 10 in 190 countries and 111 languages starting on July 29, human curation and the art of content discovery: the new holy grail for PR and marketing?, do we still need to ask how PR will cope in a citizen journalism world?, great examples show brands are starting to take virtual reality seriously.
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The post #815: Windows 10 and Challenges for Microsoft appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.
Jul 04
TDYR 258 – Heading To Ottawa For InterCommunity2015
I will be heading to Ottawa on Monday, July 6, 2015, to take part in InterCommunity 2015, a global meeting of Internet Society members that will be happening ON the Internet and FOR the Internet. I’ll be traveling to an in-person meeting location beca…
Jul 01
TDYR 257 – Happy Canada Day! And Looping Audio On the iPhone…
Happy Canada Day! Today, July 1, is the celebration of the creation of Canada on July 1, 1867.
Jun 30
TDYR 256 – Watching The IPv4 River Run Dry… (Time To Move To IPv6!)
Goodbye IPv4 addresses in North America! I’ve been watching the countdown as the final days of IPv4 happen in North America… in this episode I talk about IPv4 as a river and how there will still be capacity in the river for a bit, but the source of…
Jun 29
Wednesday, June 30, Is “DNSSEC Day” In Germany!
Want to learn about DNSSEC and DANE auf Deutsch? On Wednesday, June 30, 2015, a group of organizations in Germany will be streaming live a session called “DNSSEC Day” from 14:00 to 18:00 CEST (UTC+2). Information can be found at: They say the exact link for the live stream will be published there before Read more…
Jun 29
The Hobson & Holtz Report #814: You’re Underusing LinkedIn
An in-depth conversation with guest co-host Chuck Hester about LinkedIn, LinkedIn’s acquisition of, how big brands have reacted to the SCOTUS same-sex marriage ruling (and whether other brands should consider following suit), how Apple won a PR victory with help from Taylor Swift, one of Hollywood’s biggest publicity agencies gets caught with its hand in the Wikipedia cookie jar, why Netflix reigns supreme in the cord-cutting movement, a top creative executive from the world of advertising proclaims the power of print.
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Jun 24
Live TODAY – DNSSEC Workshop Streaming From ICANN53 in Buenos Aires
What is the current state of DNSSEC deployment? What is going on with DNSSEC in Latin America? What new tools and services are available? What can we do to encourage deployment? What is new with the DANE protocol to secure TLS? Today (24 June 2015) at 9:00 am Argentina time (UTC-3, which is 1 hour Read more…
Jun 23
DNSSEC Successes, Statistics and Innovation Streaming Live from ICANN 53 on 24 June 2015 (Featured Blog)
Where has DNSSEC been successful? What are some current statistics about DNSSEC deployment? What are examples of innovations that are happening with DNSSEC and DANE? All of these questions will be discussed at the DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 53 in Buenos …