Watch Live on Friday, 29 April – Kathy Brown At G7 ICT Multi-Stakeholder Conference

On Friday, April 29, you can watch leaders of the technical community, business and civil society address the G7 ICT Ministers at: G7 ICT Multi-Stakeholders’ Conference on YouTube The Multi-Stakeholders Conference begins at 9:00 am Japan Standard Time (UTC+9), which is: midnight UTC 2:00 am Central European Time 8:00 pm, Thursday, April 28, Eastern Daylight […]

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Facebook Messenger Launches Group Conference Calls (Audio-only)

Continuing their efforts to be THE communication platform you use, the Messenger team at Facebook rolled out "group calling" this week within the Messenger app on iOS and Android. The new feature was announced by David Marcus, head of the…

Asia-Pacific Job Opening: Join Internet Society Deploy360 Programme to Promote IPv6, DNSSEC, More (Featured Blog)

Do you live in the Asia-Pacific region and are interested in accelerating the deployment of key technologies such as IPv6, DNSSEC, TLS or secure routing mechanisms? If so, my Internet Society colleagues involved with the Deploy360 Programme are seeking…

Facebook Takes On Snapchat With Launch of "Messenger Codes" To Easily Connect Users

On the eve of Facebook’s major "F8 Developer Conference" happening April 12-13, the company has launched a clear attack on Snapchat’s "Snapcode" method of connecting users with their new "Messenger Codes". If you go into the newest version of Facebook…

DNS-OARC 24 Streaming Live March 31 / April 1 from Buenos Aires

Today and tomorrow you have a great opportunity to listen to some of the newest research into the Domain Name System (DNS) operations and security through the live video stream of the 24th meeting of the DNS Operations Analysis and Research Center (DNS-OARC). You can watch live at: and view the past recordings on Read more…

TDYR 298 – Heading To Buenos Aires for #IETF95 and more…

I am heading to Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the 95th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and several other meetings. In this episode I talk about what I will be doing there.

The Path Toward Increasing the Security of DNSSEC with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (Featured Blog)

How do we make DNSSEC even more secure through the use of elliptic curve cryptography? What are the advantages of algorithms based on elliptic curves? And what steps need to happen to make this a reality? What challenges lie in the way? Over the past f…

The Path Toward Increasing The Security of DNSSEC with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (Featured Blog)


The Next Steps Toward Increasing The Security of DNSSEC with Elliptic Curve Cryptography

How do we make DNSSEC even more secure through the use of elliptic curve cryptography?  What are the advantages of algorithms based on elliptic curves?  And what steps need to happen to make this a reality?  What challenges lie in the way? Over the past few months we’ve been discussing these questions within the community Read more…

Rough Guide to IETF 95: DNSSEC, DPRIVE, DANE and DNS Security

The most passionate discussions involving “DNS security” at IETF 95 in Buenos Aires may possibly take place not in the “traditional” DNS-related Working Groups, but rather over in the Using TLS in Applications (UTA) Working Group on Monday, April 4, 20…