Internet Society Activities at EuroDIG 2016: Trust, Collaborative Security, Zero Rating and more… (Featured Blog)


EuroDIG 2016 – Internet Society Talking About Trust, Collaborative Security, Content and Zero Rating

Over the next two days (9-10 June), the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) takes place in Brussels, Belgium. With a theme of “Embracing the digital (r)evolution“, EuroDIG has a full agenda and Internet Society staff will be participating in many aspects of the programme.

Dan York

4th Anniversary of World IPv6 Launch Provides More Reasons To Migrate Apps to IPv6…

Today is the fourth anniversary of World IPv6 Launch, where in 2012 thousands of websites and hundreds of networks permanently enabled IPv6.  I wrote about this anniversary over on CircleID and prominently mentioned that Google’s global IPv6 statistics just went over the 12% mark this past weekend. 12%! Up from 1% just 3.5 years ago […]

4th Anniversary of World IPv6 Launch Provides More Reasons To Migrate Apps to IPv6…

World IPv6 Launch logoToday is the fourth anniversary of World IPv6 Launch, where in 2012 thousands of websites and hundreds of networks permanently enabled IPv6.  I wrote about this anniversary over on CircleID and prominently mentioned that Google’s global IPv6 statistics

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TDYR 305 – Celebrating the 4th World IPv6 Launchiversary

Today is the 4th anniversary of World IPv6 Launch and I talked in this episode about why that matters and what people should do. More info in this CircleID post:…

Google’s IPv6 Stats Hit 12% on Fourth Anniversary of World IPv6 Launch (Featured Blog)

Four years ago today, thousands of websites, including Facebook, Google and Yahoo, and hundreds of networks permanently enabled IPv6 in what was called “World IPv6 Launch”. One year before, on June 6, 2011, there had been a 24-hour test in “World IPv6 …

Google’s IPv6 Stats Hit 12% on Fourth Anniversary of World IPv6 Launch (Featured Blog)


TDYR 304 – 41 Days of Duolingo and Why I like the app for learning languages

Today was the 41st consecutive day I have been learning Spanish using the DuoLingo app. In this episode I talk about why I find the app so powerful for learning languages and relay my experience using it for French, Spanish and German.

May 31 Deadline for $517,000 US in Internet-related Grants in Africa and Asia Pacific (Featured Blog)

If you are located in Africa or the Asia Pacific region, this coming Tuesday, May 31, is the application deadline for an excellent series of grants related to Internet infrastructure, development, security and education. I just wrote about the Internet…

May 31 Deadline for $517,000 US in Internet-related Grants in Africa and Asia Pacific (Featured Blog)
