Do you have an idea about how to improve DNS that you would like to present to a community of people active with DNS? Have you done research into new ways to better secure DNS or increase the privacy? Have you done something with DNSSEC or DANE that you’d like to share with others? If Read more…
Jul 25
TDYR 309 – Trying A New Rule – No Social Media Usage Until I Have Created Something Online
TDYR 309 – Trying A New Rule – No Social Media Usage Until I Have Created Something Online by Dan York
Jul 24
Trying a New Rule – No Social Media Usage Until I Have Created Something New
I’m trying something new as part of my day: No social network usage until I have created something online. No Facebook. No Twitter. No Instagram… Ello… Google+… or anything else. Nothing on any of those each day until I have…
Jul 23
TDYR 308 – An Interview with Greg Ferro of Packet Pushers Podcast
What is the future of networking? And what did Greg Ferro think of the IETF 96 meeting in Berlin? In this episode I sat down with Greg Ferro of the Packet Pushers Podcast to get his views on the state of networking, what he thinks about attending his …
Jul 22
TDYR 307 – Reflections on Judging the IETF96 Hackathon
Some thoughts on the experience of judging the Hackathon at IETF 96 in Berlin.
Jul 16
TDYR 306 – A Great Day of Hacking At The IETF96 Hackathon
Today was a great day of coding here in Berlin, Germany, at the IETF 96 Hackathon. In this episode I talk about why that was so great…
Jul 13
Rough Guide to IETF 96: DNSSEC, DANE and DNS Security
Once again, it looks like the most vigorous area of DNS security discussion at next week’s IETF 96 meeting in Berlin may be in the Using TLS in Applications (UTA) working group. As was the case earlier this year at IETF 95 in Buenos Aires, the UTA work…
Jul 13
Join the DNS Security team at the IETF 96 Hackathon this weekend…
If you will be in Berlin, Germany, this weekend and are interested in putting your coding or documentation skills to good use in helping make DNS more secure, please plan to join a group of about 20 of us at the IETF 96 Hackathon who will be working on DNS-related projects. The Hackathon is at the Read more…
Jul 08
On Being A Light Amidst The Darkness
There is darkness all around us. This week, of all weeks, that is clear. Young black men shot by police thousands of mile apart – and then five police officers killed in an ambush by an angry assailant seemingly intent on vengance. Police officers, in this case, who were doing their jobs of protecting a peaceful protest against those earlier shootings. Just a week earlier a bomb exploded at an airport in Istanbul, Turkey killing over 40 people and injuring hundreds more… a terrorist attack at a bakery claimed over 20 lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh… a weekend bombing in a…
Jun 26
Final Day to Give Input on “Future of the Internet” Survey (Featured Blog)
Today, June 26, is the final day that you can help the Internet Society with its “Future of the Internet” survey. It takes about 20-25 minutes and will help my colleagues at the Internet Society develop a number of scenarios about the possible future o…