Do you have an idea? Call for Participation – DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN57 in Hyderabad, India

Have you created a new tool that makes DNSSEC or DANE deployment easier? Would you like to share a case study of implementing DNSSEC within your enterprise or network? Do you have an idea to help with preparing for the Root Key Rollover?  Have you performed new measurements of DNSSEC adoption? If you have any Read more…

A Nice Interactive Map of Visited Countries (That Doesn’t Require a Login or Tracking)

Recently a friend on a social network posted a map of the countries where he’d traveled. Being someone who loves maps, I had to check it out. Created by the people at Amcharts, presumably to showcase what their Javascript libraries could do, what *I* like about it is something very simple: Using the map doesn’t require me to login or deal with any tracking info. All that is required is to add the country codes on to the URL. Here’s what I mean – this is my list of visited countries (as of August 2016):,BE,BG,CH,CZ,DE,DK,FI,FR,GB,IE,IT,ME,NL,PL,UA,RU,CA,CR,GL,MX,US,AR,BR,CO,DJ,EG,MA,ZA,CN,IN,SG You can see there…

Facebook, Akamai Pass Major Milestone: Over 50% IPv6 from US mobile networks

Wednesday was a major milestone for Facebook. For the first time, more people connected over IPv6 than IPv4 from the four major US mobile networks! Facebook’s Paul Saab wrote about this on (where else?) Facebook: His text: Today marks the first day that more people used IPv6 to access Facebook than IPv4 from the 4 Read more…

Video: Interview with Jari Arkko at IETF 96 in Berlin (Featured Blog)

Would you like to understand the major highlights of the 96th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) last month in Berlin? What were some of the main topics and accomplishments? How many people were there? What else went on? If so, you c…

Video: Interview with Jari Arkko at IETF 96 in Berlin (Featured Blog)


Ello Introduces a "Buy Button", allowing creators to sell their work

Remember Ello? The social network whose beta version happened to launch in September 2014 when everyone was upset with Facebook? With a commitment to not selling your data and not having advertising, it was a breath of fresh air coming…

Connecting The Unconnected: The Story of a Visit to a School in Agua Azul, Mexico

How do you bring the “Internet” to a remote village in Mexico that doesn’t even have phone service? On June 20, 2016, we set out to understand that question. It was the day before the start of the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy in Cancun and our ISOC Mexico Chapter arranged for this visit.

Our group was small: Internet Society President & CEO Kathy Brown, Regional Bureau Director for Latin America Sebastián Bellagamba, Alejandro Pisanty of the ISOC Mexico Chapter and myself.

Dan York

Starting To Write On

Because clearly I don’t have enough places to write, I’ve decided to start writing over on You can find my first post on my profile page there. I’ve long been a fan and listener to the excellent PacketPushers podcasts. If you are into networking of any type their shows are quite educational and enjoyable. (See the most recent shows in the right sidebar of Last year Russ White encouraged me to consider writing on Packet Pushers and connected me to the folks there to be set up as an author. They gave me an account… but then I’ve…

Connecting The Unconnected: The Story of a Visit to a School in Agua Azul, Mexico

How do you bring the “Internet” to a remote village in Mexico that doesn’t even have phone service? On June 20, 2016, we set out to understand that question. It was the day before the start of the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy in Cancun,and our ISOC Mexico Chapter arranged for this visit. Our group […]

The post Connecting The Unconnected: The Story of a Visit to a School in Agua Azul, Mexico appeared first on Internet Society.

Turning The Microphone Around: An Interview with Greg Ferro

Usually Greg Ferro is the one interviewing people. But at the recent Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 96 meeting in Berlin, Germany, I had the chance to turn the microphone around and ask Greg some questions of my own, including: What did he think of an IETF meeting now that he was at one? What […]

The post Turning The Microphone Around: An Interview with Greg Ferro appeared first on Packet Pushers.