Do you use Docker Swarm? If so, how?

Docker swarm page

UPDATE – 20 Nov 2018 – I wrote this back in 2016 as I was just experimenting with Docker. Since that time, not only did Swarm emerge as Docker’s tool for container management/orchestration/clustering, but we also saw the emergence and then domination …

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Facebook Says: Get Your Site Mobile-Friendly Or Your Ads Will Suffer

If your web site isn’t "mobile-friendly" yet, and you do any advertising on Facebook, well… you better make your site mobile-friendly very soon! Facebook said on Wednesday that websites will be penalized in Facebook’s advertising network if they are NOT…

TDYR 311 – Facebook Says Get Mobile-Friendly Or Your Ads Will Suffer

This week Facebook provided yet another reason to make sure your website is “mobile-friendly” – ads for sites that are NOT will be penalized in Facebook’s advertising network. In this episode I talk about that and some of the resources available. Read…

TDYR 310 – Initial Thoughts on Facebook Messenger “Instant Video”

Facebook Messenger today launched “Instant Video”, allowing you to add video to a text chat. In this episode I offer some initial thoughts about why this is interesting…
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Facebook Messenger’s "Instant Video" Lets You Simultaneously Use Video and Chat

The messaging wars continue! Today Facebook Messenger added "Instant Video" to it’s iOS and Android app, allowing you to easily share live video while still in a text chat. Facebook has had "video calling" since back in May 2015, but…

New RFC 7958 – DNSSEC Trust Anchor Publication for the Root Zone

How can you trust the root of the “global chain of trust” that is used in DNSSEC? How can you be sure as you are validating DNSSEC signatures that this global chain works? To provide this chain of validation, DNSSEC relies on what is called a “trust anchor”. When you check the signature for DNS records Read more…

Conectando Lo Desconectando: La Historia de la Visita A Una Escuela Agua Azul, México

¿Cómo llevas el internet a un pueblo remoto en México donde ni siquiera hay servicio telefónico? En junio de 2016, salimos en viaje a fin de responder esta pregunta. Fue el día antes del inicio del OECD Ministerial Meeting en el Digital Economy en Cancun y nuestro ISOC Mexico Chapter arregló la visita.

Nuestro grupo era pequeño: Internet Society President & CEO Kathy Brown, Regional Bureau Director para América Latina Sebastián Bellagamba, Alejandro Pisanty del ISOC Mexico Chapter y yo.

Dan York

Want to Share Info with the DNSSEC Community? ICANN57 DNSSEC Workshop Seeking Proposals by Sept 15 (Featured Blog)

Do you have information or an idea you would like to share with members of the broader DNS / DNSSEC community? Have you developed a new tool that makes DNSSEC or DANE deployment easier? Have you performed new measurements? Would you like feedback about…

Want to share info with the DNSSEC community? ICANN57 DNSSEC Workshop seeking proposals by Sept 15 (Featured Blog)


Call for Participation – DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN57 in Hyderabad, India

The DNSSEC Deployment Initiative and the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme, in cooperation with the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), are planning a DNSSEC Workshop during the ICANN57 meeting held from 03-09 November 2016 in Hyderabad, India. The DNSSEC Workshop has been a part of ICANN meetings for several years and has provided a […]