I may have just found my new favorite "Lorem ipsum" text generator – HIPSTER IPSUM! https://hipsum.co/ For the longest time, my choice when I just needed some columns to fill in with filler text[1] was Bacon Ipsum, which is always…
Dec 08
Watch: the 2018 "State of the Word" from WordCamp US
Tonight in Nashville, Matt Mullenweg delivered his "State of the Word" presentation at WordCamp US. Not being there in person, I watched the live stream. The recorded stream has about 28 minutes of various quotes that were displayed. Matt starts…
Dec 07
Initial Thoughts on WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg
Yesterday (Dec 6, 2018) was TheBigDay when WordPress 5.0 with the Gutenberg block-based editor landed in all of our WordPress sites for upgrade. Some of the places to learn more about the launch include: WordPress 5.0 launch announcement (with videos)…
Dec 06
Video I Found Useful: "Getting start with Docker"
Da ich in den letzten ein oder zwei Monaten mehr über Docker und Container erforschte, habe ich viele Videos auf YouTube gesehen. Eines der “Intro to Docker”, die mir sehr gut gefallen hat, war dieses von Brad Traversy:
Was ich nützlich fand, war, wie er das sehr praktische Beispiel der Einrichtung einer …
Dec 06
Video I Found Useful: “Getting Started with Docker”
As I’ve been exploring more about Docker and containers over the past month or two, I’ve been watching MANY videos on YouTube. One of the “intro to Docker” ones that I quite liked was this one from Brad Traversy:
What I found useful was how he used the very practical example of …
Dec 05
Have we given up on personal blogging? (In favor of social media)
Have we given up on personal blogging? Are we instead doing that all writing in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and similar services? Is the personal blog dead? [1] I had lunch this week with a friend who, like me, has been…
Dec 04
WordPress 5.0 now targeted to launch on…. Thursday! (Dec 6)
The news out of Matt Mullenweg last night was… THURSDAY! That day, December 6 (2018), is the next target release date for WordPress 5.0. If you have been paying attention to WordPress, or listening to any of my reports into…
Dec 03
The Publishing of RFC 8496 Concludes the 10-year Saga of P-Charge-Info
October 31, 2018, was a special day for me. Not because it was Halloween, but because after 10 years a small little document I co-authored about the "P-Charge-Info" header for SIP-based Voice-over-IP (VoIP) was published as informational RFC 8496. You…
Dec 02
WordPress.com Offering free .Blog subdomains for new sites
The good folks over at WordPress.com are doing something interesting – they are giving free .blog subdomains for any new sites created on WordPress.com. Now, to be clear, this is not ANY subdomain under .blog. For instance, I was immediately…
Dec 01
Video: Mit Docker Compose WordPress installieren
Kurz nach der Veröffentlichung meines letzten Beitrags über die Verwendung von Docker zur Installation von WordPress und MySQL, habe ich zufällig ein Video, das im Grunde den gleichen Prozess:
Der Sprecher geht durch die Schritte, die Sie tun müssen, um die Docker-compose.yml Datei, auf die ich in diesem letzten Beitrag hingewiesen habe.
Viel …