Video: How To Create a Simple DocBook document using oXygen XML editor

Recently I’ve needed to get back into creating some DocBook documents and needed to refresh my knowledge of the latest tools. Back about 10 years ago, I did a great amount with DocBook and spoke about single-source publishing at conferences and created a few tools and vimrc macros. However, since that time I’ve …

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And So The Groklaw Era Draws To A Close May 16, 2011…

GroklawAnd so must all good things come to an end… Pamela Jones announced over the weekend that she would be ending new posts to Groklaw on May 16, 2011, the eighth anniversary of the site.

For those of us who spent a good bit …

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Video: Douglass Crockford explains “The JSON Saga”

JSONWhile this video is from back in July 2009, it’s a great story around how JSON came to be and has some solid lessons in it for people developing new data formats:

Video: Douglas Crockford — The JSON Saga

Yahoo! thankfully provided a full …

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Meeting My Reviewer with the Oddest Review Headline ("Offal")

I admit that I never get tired of meeting face-to-face with people who have read the Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks and I enjoy particularly meeting with those folks who have taken the time out of their busy lives to write up a review of my book. I do read…

SecureLogix Releases Report: Voice And Unified Communications State of Security 2011

By way of the Voice of VOIPSA blog, I learned that SecureLogix had formally released their "Voice & Unified Communications: State of Security Report 2011". I saw a preview of this report in one of the final sessions at the Enterprise Connect event at the beginning of March and the…

Great Resource -> Felix’s Node.js Guide

FelixnodejsguideWant to learn more about Node.js? Felix Geisendörfer recently rolled out a site with a series of guides to help people get started:

So far he has these guides available:

  • Node.js Beginner Guide
  • Node.js Style Guide
  • Node.js Community Guide
  • Node.js Convincing The …

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Welcome to – at some point soon I’m planning to aggregate my various writing across the web into a common place.  Stay tuned…

If you enjoyed 7 Deadliest UC Attacks, you may also like the fiction book "Counting From Zero"

If you enjoyed the subject matter in my Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks, you may enjoy the fiction book, Counting from Zero, written by my friend Alan Johnston. The book, available as an eBook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and other sites, is not about Unified Communications or VoIP…

A Sign of the Node.js Buzz – Joyent Launches a Node.js Jobs Site

Node.js certainly has been getting a good bit of buzz these days. I’ve been writing about Node.js here because I personally find it interesting, but you only have to watch the Twitter search string to know that a lot of other people out there find the same fascination with Node.js.

It’s a …

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Video: Intro to Node.js by Ryan Dahl at SF PHP Meetup on Feb 22, 2011

Here’s a great video introduction to Node.js by creator Ryan Dahl at the San Francisco PHP Meetup Group on February 22, 2011. He steps people through building apps in a great style: