Kudos to my friend Eric Krapf and his whole team for the redesign of one of my favorite sites for VoIP and Unified Communications news: http://www.nojitter.com/ Way back in late 2007, Eric started as the "lead blogger" for NoJitter as…
Oct 03
Want to Run UP a Ski Area? The 5K Mountain Goat Scramble is Oct 8th
So this sounds like a pretty wacky local race… the "5K Mountain Goat Scramble" takes place this Saturday, October 8, 2011, at our local Granite Gorge Ski Area in Roxbury, NH (just outside of Keene). It’s a 5K race where you run up to the halfway point of the ski trails and then back down … and DO THAT FOUR TIMES! I have skied all the trails where the race is running and know the exact route they are doing… it’s going to be tough to run that loop four times! I’m not sure exactly what our plans are for…
Oct 03
Social Media Club NH To Meet Oct 6th To Discuss Social Media on Campus, Google+ and more
I recently discovered that the Social Media Club of NH will be meeting this Thursday, October 6th, over at my old stomping grounds of UNH in Durham, NH. The Eventbrite invitation has the full agenda and it looks quite intriguing….
Oct 02
Speaking about UC Security at IIT Real-Time Communications Conf Oct 5th
If you will be in Chicago this week for the the 7th Annual Real-Time Communications Conference & Expo, I will speaking on October 5th about VoIP and Unified Communications security as part of the security track of the conference. There’s a great schedule of speakers and I’m looking forward to…
Oct 02
Do You Hook Your Reader From Your Opening Sentence?
Do you reach out and grab your reader by the throat from the very first line of your text? Do you evoke some mystery or emotion in your first sentences that makes the reader NEED to learn more? Do you…
Oct 01
My FIR Report for October 3, 2011
Shel and Neville were recording Monday’s "For Immediate Release" podcast episode over the weekend, so my report has already been sent in. This week I covered: Mathew Ingram’s great piece at GigaOm on "Why Facebook’s Frictionless Sharing Is The Future"…
Sep 30
Speaking Next Week on IPv6 and VoIP Security at 7th Real-Time Communications Conference in Chicago
If any of you will be in Chicago next week, October 4-6, 2011, for the 7th Annual Real-Time Communications Conference & Expo, I’ll be there on the 5th and 6th as a speaker. I’ll be speaking twice. First on Wednesday…
Sep 30
The Economist Asks: Who Should Run The Internet?
Who should run the Internet? Should it continue in the "multi-stakeholder" way it has operated so far? Or should governments have more of a say in how it is run? The Economist captures that argument in a piece out today…
Sep 30
Calling All Vendors! Test Your SIP over TLS at SIPit 29 Oct 24-28 in Monaco
Are you a vendor of SIP software or hardware devices? If so, do you support SRTP or SIP over TLS? If you do – or are thinking about doing so – why don’t you join Olle Johansson for some interoperability testing at SIPit 29, October 24-28, in Monaco? Olle raised just that suggestion today in […]
Sep 29
How To Create Github-style “Fork Me” Ribbons Using Only CSS

Can you create a “Fork Me On Github” ribbon using only CSS? And have it say some other message?
That was the question …