How exactly will the proposed "Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA)" impact the DNS infrastructure of the Internet? What are the technical and engineering problems caused by the proposed bill? How will the bill actually DECREASE our national cybersecurity? I covered…
Nov 22
How The NFL Loses With Its Copyright Takedown Notices On Video Clips
I’m not a regular football fan. Sure, I enjoy watching a game if it’s on somewhere and I might watch the playoffs or Super Bowl… but watching football is not part of my daily/weekly routine. Still, when I saw an…
Nov 21
An Interesting Historical Timeline of Canadian Telecommunications
Last week I was up in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for the Internet Society’s ION conference that was a part of the larger Canadian ISP Summit. This was only the first Canadian ISP Summit, but I’ve heard only excellent reports on…
Nov 21
Must Read Piece from SEOmoz: "Duplicate Content in a Post-Panda World"
What is the impact of "duplicate content" on the search engine ranking of your web content? What are the different ways you can wind up with duplicate content? And perhaps most importunely, how can you correct the issue? Over at…
Nov 18
OMG! Skype Simultaneously Releases (Almost) The Same Version on Windows and Mac OS X
Yesterday I sat in such utter shock that I had to look out my window to see if, in fact, we were witnessing porcine aviation. My brain was having a hard time processing something I had just read online. I…
Nov 16
Google+ Expands Chat/IM To Your Circles – And Across All Google Services
Google announced a few minutes ago that they are rolling out new capabilities to the chat services inside of Google+. When the expanded gets out to all users over the next 48 hours, you will be able to chat with…
Nov 11
The US Congress, PROTECT IP, SOPA, E-PARASITES… and the War For the Open Internet
If you are a U.S. citizen and have NOT been paying attention to the madness going on in the US Congress right now with regard to the Internet, you really NEED to take a look… If you have a website,…
Nov 11
The Google vs Amazon Platform Rant – A Must-Read From Steve Yegge

What does do so much better than Google? And why does Amazon do everything “wrong” while Google does everything “right”… yet offer …
Nov 10
Sweet! Apple iOS 5.0.1 Is Available Over-The-Air (OTA) – Faster and No iTunes Required!
For those of use with iOS devices, news of today’s iOS 5.0.1 that fixes battery issues was welcome… and along with it the news that this update is available "over-the-air" (OTA). NO iTUNES SYNC REQUIRED! Just go into Settings, then…
Nov 10
IETF Journal for October 2011 Digs into DNSSEC, Port Control Protocol, Internet Evolution
Want to learn more about what is happening with regard to standards in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)? Want to understand the details about new proposals to offer another way to secure domains using DNSSEC? Never heard of the…