So as 2011 enters its final hours, it’s time to take a look back and see how I did with my "3 Words For 2011". As a reminder, they were: CONTENT PORTFOLIO LIFESTYLE Well, to start with, they – and most all my plans for 2011 – were rather subsumed by an extremely unwelcome fourth word that dominated my year: CANCER Yes, indeed, the defining thread of 2011 has definitely been my wife’s diagnosis and subsequent battle with breast cancer. It truly did consume the entire year – she had what was otherwise a routine doctor visit in January that…
Dec 29
Video: How A Curling Stone Is Made
Here’s a pretty cool video from the Science Channel showing how a curling stone is made. I had heard that there were only two quarries in the world that supplied all the curling stones… this video gives a bit more insight into the whole process…
Dec 28
Are You Following the WordPress Development Updates Site?
If you use WordPress for publishing content online and are interested in how the platform is evolving, do you follow the "WordPress Development Updates" blog found at: It is the "official blog for the core development team" and is…
Dec 27
3 Great Posts to Read About Why Windows Phone 7 Hasn’t Taken Off…
Jumping online this morning I noticed this trio of great posts yesterday about Windows Phone 7 and why it hasn’t taken off. The discussion was started off by Charlie Kindel, a former Microsoft general manager: Windows Phone is Superior; Why…
Dec 23
The Remarkable Success of Sean Quigley’s Little Drummer Boy Video
The tools we have today to unleash creativity are utterly amazing. Recording a version of the classic song "The Little Drummer Boy" is not terribly remarkable… but… creating your own arrangement, playing all the instruments and singing, recording and editing…
Dec 21
Voxeo Imports Snow… Into Florida??? (Video)
Kudos to my former colleagues at Voxeo for a great Holiday Letter and a truly fun video showing the making of the holiday photo. A large part of why I enjoyed working at Voxeo so much was just the wackiness…
Dec 19
SIP Co-Author Henning Schulzrinne Appointed CTO of the FCC (Featured Blog)
In a move to be celebrated by many of us with a VoIP background, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced today the appointment of Henning Schulzrinne as Chief Technology Officer (CTO). As the release indicates, Henning’s rol…
Dec 19
5 Critical Facts You Need To Know About Jan 12th Launch of New Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs)
Are you aware that on January 12, 2011, a fundamental change to the Internet’s naming infrastructure is beginning? Are you thinking about what it means to your company or organization? What’s going on? On that date, the Internet Corporation for…
Dec 19
2 Insanely Simple Steps to Completely Bypass the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)
How completely BROKEN is the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) be? Here are the two steps ANY consumer can take to COMPLETELY bypass the DNS filtering proposed in SOPA: 1. Find The Computer’s DNS Settings On a Mac, go…
Dec 16
The Snarky Tweet That Derailed Yesterday’s SOPA Hearing
Yesterday during the marathon US House Judiciary Committee hearings on the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) (which is an insanely bad idea), there came a point where the entire hearings ground to a halt… … because of a tweet! I…