Google’s Python Class Provides A Great Introduction

Want to learn python? It turns out that Google has put together a great series of lessons, videos and exercises that will help you get started quickly with using Python.  You can get to the courses at:

Very cool to see. A …

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Free Webinar Tomorrow: Securing VoIP and Unified Communications Systems

Want to join in to a free webinar/webcast to learn about VoIP and Unified Communications security? Tomorrow, Thursday, January 26, 2012, I (Dan York) will be speaking as part of US Telecom’s monthly educational webinar series on the topic of: “Securing VoIP and Unified Communications Systems“ The session will be at 1:00pm US Eastern. Registration […]

The Challenge of Apple Forking the EPUB Standard with iBooks Author – 4 Articles to Read

While I ranted last week (here and here) about the lock-in aspect of Apple’s launch of iBooks Author, an even more disturbing action Apple took was to "embrace and extend" the EPUB standard and create their own version. In programming-speak,…

The Super Simple Secret to Stopping Online Piracy (Hint: It’s not SOPA)

Memo To MPAA and other SOPA Proponents: Yesterday was a perfect example of the failure of your current business models to meet consumer demands – and the reason why there is online piracy. It also shows you the super simple…

Yes, Apple’s iBooks Author Strategy Is Absolutely Brilliant… Just Short-Sighted

After my rant yesterday about Apple’s über-restrictive license terms for the new iBooks Author app, I had several comments to the effect of "DUH!" and "Well, doesn’t it make sense for Apple?" Yes, it absolutely makes sense for Apple. It’s…

Apple’s Great Big FAIL: iBooks Author Is Amazing – But Locks You In To iBookstore!

It could have been beyond amazing! Apple’s iBooks Author app, announced today and available for free in the Mac AppStore, could have severely disrupted the ebook publishing space. I mean… watch the video… it’s got all the ease-of-use, the simplicity,…

Video: Oh, the Places You’ll Go at Burning Man!

I hadn’t really mashed up Dr. Seuss and the annual Burning Man festival in my brain, but a gent named Teddy Saunders did and the result is this amazing video! It’s a wonderfully well-done re-telling of Dr. Seuss’ classic book…

Video: Great Introduction to Curling and the Petersham Curling Club

Recently a local TV crew visited the Petersham Curling Club in Petersham, Massachusetts, and recorded this video that provides a great introduction to the basics of the sport of curling along with some background on the Petersham CC: Curling from WGBY on Vimeo. After a couple of years away from the ice, it’s been great to get back into curling with the Petersham Curling Club. I curl in an evening Men’s League and my 9-yr-old daughter curls in the Youth Curling on Saturday mornings, where I also help out. Petersham is about a 45-60 minute drive from Keene, NH, but…

Video: The Day The LOLcats Died … Speak Up Before the Internet Dies…

Truly awesome… via Techcrunch… Kudos to the LaughPong team for doing this! If you found this post interesting or useful, please consider either: following me on Twitter; adding me to a circle on Google+; subscribing to my email newsletter; or…

World IPv6 Launch: This Time It Is For Real! – June 6, 2012 (Featured Blog)

No more “test flights” … 2012 is the year that IPv6 gets permanently deployed! That is the message of “World IPv6 Launch,” announced today by the Internet Society, Google, Facebook, Cisco, Microsoft, Comcast, AT&T, Time Warner Cable and a whole host of other companies. While last year’s successful World IPv6 Day was all about testing how your site or service worked with IPv6, this year’s World IPv6 Launch is about enabling IPv6 permanently as of June 6, 2012 (or earlier). More…