New Mailing List for “Migrating Apps to IPv6” Updates

Would you like to be notified when updates are made to “Migrating Applications to IPv6“?  If so, there’s a nifty little sign-up box over in the right sidebar that will add you to an email distribution list that I will use ONLY to alert you to …

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AdhearsionConf 2012 Call For Speakers Ends Tomorrow (Sept 8)

Do you like building telephony apps with Adhearsion? Have you built a really cool app that is worth sharing? Or used Adhearsion in an unusual way? Are you planning to attend AdhearsionConf 2012 in Palo Alto on October 20-21? Or…

.NL Becomes First TLD To Pass 1 Million DNSSEC-Signed Domain Names!

History was made today in the ongoing effort to deploy DNSSEC globally and bring about a more secure Internet – .NL became the first top-level-domain (TLD) to pass 1 million DNSSEC-signed domain names! Celebrated in tweets from SIDN, the operator of the .NL registry, and from Bert Hubert, principal author of PowerDNS, as well as Read more…

The Amazing Number of Live Video Streams From The Republican And Democratic National Conventions

Want another sign of the way the Internet has changed journalism? Just look at the sheer number of live video streams coming out of the Democratic National Convention when it starts today! Or look at the live streams that were…

Summer is over… time to get back to IPv6 and DNSSEC – how can we help?

Here in the northern hemisphere where I live, summer is now basically over. People are (mostly) back from vacations. Kids are returning to school. The rhythms and routines are returning… the weather is getting cooler… the days are getting shorter… people are turning their focus a bit more back to work. Which means it is Read more…

FIR #667 – 09/03/12 – For Immediate Release

Interview with Brian McNely on Instagram and image-power is up; Quick News items: local farm store at center of Facebook kerfuffle, Google introduces Google Plus elements to enterprise products, the potential of social influence, how top brands are usi…

Second Time Running The Covered Bridges Half-Marathon This Sunday

I’m going to do it again… only this time my goal is to run the entire race! Tomorrow, Sunday, September 2, 2012, is the Swanzey Covered Bridges Half-Marathon, also known as "Elijah’s Race". Last September this was my first – and so far still my only – half-marathon, as I chronicled first in a post about the upcoming race and then in a post about the results which photos and charts. It was a great race and I really enjoyed running it. It was fun to put the "13.1" sticker on the back of my car when it was all…

IPv6 Friday: IPv6 for beginners

What are some good steps for someone just beginning with IPv6? Over on his IPv6 Friday site, Olle Johansson published an “IPv6 for beginners” post today that provides a nice checklist for individuals who want to get started. Olle’s primary focus is on suggesting you set up an IPv6 tunnel so that you can get Read more…

Skype Celebrates 9 Years of Disrupting Telecom, But What Comes Next?

Nine years ago today, August 29, 2003, the first version of Skype was made publicly available. Now in 2012 Skype celebrates it’s 9th birthday – and first birthday as part of Microsoft… and it’s still disrupting telecommunications. Four years ago…

Video: 4 Days of World IPv6 Launch Statistics in 165 Seconds

The good folks over at RIPE NCC recently published a video showing 4 days of IPv6 connectivity statistics in under 3 minutes. RIPE NCC’s Rene Wilhem goes into great detail in the companion blog post about how they measured the 60 sites included in the survey and some of their observations. As you start watching Read more…