Updated List of IPv6 Resources for Application Developers

Recently I noticed that my list of IPv6 resources for application developers had not been updated since the second version of Migrating Applications to IPv6 was published in June 2012.  I’ve now gone ahead and updated the list to have all the links that I added to the second release of the book.

Now, granted, …

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Github’s “Command Bar” Makes Site Navigation So Much Faster

Recently Github introduced a new “Command Bar” into the site that I simply have to comment on because I find it so useful. It’s sitting right up there at the top of the site looking like your garden-variety “search” box:

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Evernote Destroys The Old Skitch With New 2.0 "Update"

This morning brings a collective "What the ______?" moment to the world of many Mac OS X users as we try to absorb the impact of the new Skitch 2.0 released by Evernote. Perhaps the reaction is best summarized by…

ARIN Enters Phase 2 of IPv4 Countdown – Only 3 /8 Blocks Left

Today marked another milestone in the ongoing exhaustion of IPv4 addresses – the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) entered Phase 2 of its IPv4 Countdown Plan meaning that it has only 3 “/8″ blocks of IPv4 addresses left.  In fact, the counter on ARIN’s Countdown page shows only 2.89  /8 blocks left. On a Read more…

How WebRTC Will Fundamentally Disrupt Telecom (And Change The Internet)

If we step back to before 1993, publishing and finding content on the Internet was a somewhat obscure, geeky thing that a very few people cared about and very few knew how to do. It involved gopher servers, ftp sites,…

FIR #669 – 09/17/12 – For Immediate Release

Twitter handle now @FIRpodcast; FIR Book Review coming; Dr. Pepper vs creationists on Facebook; James Bond trades Martini for Heineken; FCC chairman blows tweetchat; ‘kerfuffle’ the best word ever; Ragan promo; social media and diplomacy; Michael Netzl…

Tor (The Onion Router) Expands IPv6 Support in

Last week the Tor Project announced a new alpha release that includes as one of its major features expanded support for IPv6. From the release notes: Bridge authorities now accept IPv6 bridge addresses and include them in network status documents. Implements ticket 5534. Clients who set “ClientUseIPv6 1″ may connect to entry nodes over Read more…

Can You Add 1 Line of HTML To Your Site To Help Measure DNSSEC Usage?

Can you please help out with efforts to measure the number of DNSSEC-validating DNS resolvers out there? The folks at Verisign Labs are conducting some research into trying to understand what level of DNSSEC-validating resolvers are out on the open Internet. This is critical to understand as the availability of DNSSEC-validating resolvers is a key Read more…

FIR #668 – 09/10/12 – For Immediate Release

New Speaker and Speeches available; CW Bulletin addresses Wikipedia; Quick News: Connectify gets Kickstarter funding, Kred rolls out Salesforce.com integration, WordPress live-blogging plugin released, content marketing budgets rise; Ragan promo; News …

Speaking in Montenegro about DNSSEC on September 12

On Wednesday of this week I’ll be speaking about DNSSEC at the 5th international conference for ccTLD registries and registrars of CIS, Central and Eastern Europe in Budva, Montenegro.  I’m very much looking forward to this event as it is entirely focused around the concerns of registries and registrars – and they are one of Read more…