Watch The IGF 2012 Live From Baku (Featured Blog)

The Seventh Annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is underway now in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 6-9, 2012. Very appropriately, it is possible to listen in to any of the sessions remotely across the Internet. Details can be found here… More…

Watch The IGF 2012 Live From Baku (Featured Blog)


The Election Echo Chamber – Hearing Only What We Want To Hear

This morning a conservative friend posted to Facebook a link about how Mitt Romney had a very positive message and was a decent person, in contrast to President Obama who was extremely negative, full of lies and was treating half…

FIR #676 – 11/5/12 – For Immediate Release

Lee LeFever interview is up; SNCR Symposium is this week; update on UK court’s order to Apple; Quick News: IPR’s social media research center, Facebook tests WiFi-for-check-in offer, CIPR to list its members publicly, IABC reboots Gold Quill; Ragan pro…

Meet The Deploy360 Team At IETF85!

If you are at IETF 85 this week in Atlanta, the Deploy360 team will be represented by Megan Kruse. She’s very much interested in speaking to people about their challenges with deploying IPv6 and DNSSEC – and how we can help with accelerating that deployment. You can expect to find Megan in many of the Read more…

CircleID – A News Site About Internet Infrastructure, Domain Names, new gTLDs, more…

Want to stay up on what is happening with the underlying infrastructure of the Internet? Or perhaps more interested in what is happening with domain names or the new "generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs)"? Curious about Internet governance issues? policy issues?…

My Report into FIR #675 – Hurricane Sandy, Moscow and the Supreme Court

In this week’s For Immediate Release episode #675 on Monday, October 29, 2012, my report covered: Hurricane Sandy and the impact we were already seeing on Monday morning. I pointed in particular to Google’s excellent crisis map. I spoke a…

New Release 1.14 of DNSSEC-Tools – Get It Now!

Recently at the ICANN 45 DNSSEC Deployment Workshop, we learned that the great folks over at the DNSSEC Tools project had just released a new version of their great package of DNSSEC-related tools.  The new version 1.14 is available in several forms from: Some of the changes include: dnssec-nodes – many new features and Read more…

IETF 85 Begins Next Week In Atlanta – Here Is How To Follow Along (Featured Blog)

The 85th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) begins next week in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Over 1000 engineers, maybe as many as 1400 or more, from all around the world will gather in various working groups to discuss and debate issues r…

IETF 85 Begins Next Week In Atlanta – Here Is How To Follow Along (Featured Blog)
