cPanel To Add IPv6 Support in 2013

Good news for the many people out there using cPanel to configure their hosted website… IPv6 support is coming this year. In a post titled “IPv6 Implementation Update” they state: Much like Y2K, this issue requires a proactive solution rather than a reactive response. That is why cPanel has been working diligently on research and Read more…

Facebook Rolls Out Free Voice Calls In The US On iOS – A Quick Walkthrough And A Big, Huge Caveat

Facebook today rolled out it’s free voice calling in the US via its Messenger app for iOS (iPhone/iPad). The Verge was the first I saw with the news and a great number of sites are now following. Voice calling through…

Playing Google’s Zamboni Game/Doodle… Over IPv6!

Okay, maybe it’s a small thing, but I have to admit that when I wound up on Google’s home page today to try out their “Zamboni doodle” celebrating the 112th birthday of Frank Zamboni, I don’t know which I found cooler… the game itself, or the fact that I was getting to it entirely over Read more…

Are You A Redditor? Subscribe To The IPv6 Subreddit

Are you are redditor?  Is Reddit one of your main sources of information, news and links?  If so, have you checked out the IPv6 “subreddit”?  It is at: and currently has close to 4,000 readers subscribed to it. I’ve found it a useful place for both finding new links and stories and also for Read more…

FIR #686 – 1/14/13 – For Immediate Release

Math correction; new outro from Donna Papacosta; PRCA interview coming; Quick News: LinkedIn the preferred recruiter’s tool, brand sites remain important, the end of regret-the-error as we know it, a look at Betterific; Ragan promo; News That Fits: PR’…

Tech Matters: Big Changes In The IPv6 Landscape

What kind of growth did we see for IPv6 in 2012?  What did we see in terms of adoption of IPv6 within various industries?  Yesterday our colleague Phil Roberts outlined his view on the “Big Changes In The IPv6 Landscape in 2012“. Phil  wrote about many of the changes that happened over 2012, particularly with Read more…

Still Time To Submit A DNSSEC Speaking Proposal for ICANN 46 in Beijing

As we mentioned previously, there will be another DNSSEC Deployment Workshop on April 10, 2013, as part of ICANN 46 in Beijing, China. The program committee is still open to receiving proposals if you would like to be considered for the agenda. These DNSSEC workshops at ICANN meetings are outstanding places to meet with people Read more…

Join the Google+ "IP Communications & VoIP" Community

Want to connect with others interested in the bleeding edge of IP communications and VoIP? Want to exchange links or engage in discussions with people interested in these topics? If you are a Google+ user (as I am), there is…

T-Mobile Rolling Out HD Voice (Wideband) In US Mobile Network

Marking a huge step toward moving beyond the limitations of the legacy phone networks, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week in Las Vegas T-Mobile announced that HD Voice is now available nationwide on its US network. This will…

Attending CES? Visit the ARIN Booth To Learn How Critical IPv6 Is For Consumer Electronics

Are you attending the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week in Las Vegas? If so, you can visit the ARIN team at booth 35175 in South Hall 4 to learn about why IPv6 and why it is critically important for consumer electronics devices. As the folks behind the TeamARIN site say in their article Read more…