FIR #691 – 2/18/13 – For Immediate Release

Schoenberg interview is up; Quick News: Defense contractor releases software to track people via social media, Twitter kills Posterous, American Express enables purchases via hashtag, TD B ank in Google+ local pages; Ragan promo; News That Fits: what d…

Ending A Time Of Quiet And Returning To Action

As you’ve perhaps noticed, it’s been basically two weeks since we last posted anything to the Deploy360 site and I thought I’d just take a moment to explain the quiet time. On the afternoon of February 1, 2013, we had a short outage of the site and while it was only offline for a brief Read more…

FIR #690 – 2/11/13 – For Immediate Release

Schoenberg interview this week, enhancements to FIR Google+ Community page, BBC trials trainee communicators’ programme, journalists taking refuge in branded content, new Forrester predictions, site plagiarizes and files DMCA takedown notice, Ragan pro…

WebRTC Passes Huge Milestone In Rewiring The Web – Video Calls Between Chrome and Firefox

This week the WebRTC/RTCWEB initiative passed a HUGE milestone in adding a real-time communications layer to the Web with achieving interoperability between Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Google and Mozilla celebrated with a pair of blog posts: Hello Firefox, this…

Oracle Buys Acme Packet For $2 Billion To Gain SIP Session Border Controllers (SBCs) And More

Fascinating news today out of Oracle that they have purchased Acme Packet in a transaction estimated to be around $2 billion US. For those of you not really tracking the VoIP security space, Acme Packet is probably the world’s largest…

FIR #689 – 2/4/13 – For Immediate Release

FIR app issue resolved; Schoenberg interview on hold; Quick News:companies failing to accommodate shift to mobile, IBM security tool can flag disgruntled employees, YouTube introducing paid subscriptions, Swedish bloggers commot to 50,000 posts in 100 …

Next SIPit Test Event Feb 18-22 – Deadline of Feb 4 For Registration

Are you a vendor of SIP-based products and services? Do you have software or hardware (or cloud-based products) that use SIP? If so, are you planning to attend the next SIPit test event planned for February 18-22, 2013, in Raleigh,…

FIR #688 – 1/28/13 – For Immediate Release

Welcome new listeners, Francis Ingham interview is up, Allan Schoenberg interview is coming; today is data Protection day; Quick News: introducing Vine, social branding is key to reputation, Pope urges evangelism via Twitter, Pew says libraries still h…

New Internet-Draft: Balanced IPv6 Security for Residential CPE

What should the appropriate IPv6 security policy be for residential customers?  How can they get the benefits of IPv6 while still ensuring that their home networks are secure?  These are the questions pursued in a new Internet-Draft available today: The abstract and introduction explain quite well how this applies to “customer premise equipment (CPE)”: Read more…

Last Day To Submit Speaking Proposals for SIPNOC2013

Got a great idea for a talk to give to an excellent gathering of SIP/VoIP network operators? Have a new way of handling security? Have a case study you’d like to present for how you solved an operational issue? The…