"Catching Up With Dan York" On The VUC Call Tomorrow At Noon US Eastern – Please Join Us!

Want to learn more about what I’m doing these days? Both with my work with the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme as well as other various projects? And what any of that has to do with VoIP and real-time communications these…

Video – DNSSEC: What Every Sysadmin Should Be Doing To Keep Things Working (USENIX LISA)

At the USENIX LISA ’12 conference in December 2012, Roland Van Rijswijk of SURFnet gave a great talk titled “DNSSEC: What Every Sysadmin Should be Doing to Keep Things Working” where he talks about how you are perhaps already using DNSSEC – and what you need to do to make sure it keeps working. Roland’s an Read more…

So What Shall I Call This “Podcast”?

What do I call this series of short audio commentaries I’ve been recording at SoundCloud? The good news is that I’ve been accepted into SoundCloud’s beta program to try out their podcasting features for spoken word podcasters. The bad news is that I ne…

Internet Society Hiring Marketing Communication Manager – Apply Now!

Do you want to ensure that the Internet remains "open" for everyone? Would you like to work for a global nonprofit organization focused on promoting "the open development, evolution, and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people…

FIR #692 – 2/25/13 – For Immediate Release

Trying Diigo as Delicious alternative; Quick News: New York Times digital innovations, why podcasting should be the PR consultant’s best friend, slow video dooms views, ad creep reaches thighs of young Japanese women; Ragan promo; News That Fits: 2012 …

Canada Joins The DNSSEC World – Sign Your .CA, Eh?

Congratulations to our friends up North in Canada for the DNSSEC signing of the .CA domain, joining the ever-growing list of top-level domains (TLDs) that are securing their DNS records with DNSSEC!  As Jacques Latour of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) outlined in a CIRA blog post they took some time to ensure their Read more…

SANS Seeking IPv6 Security Stories/Tools For “IPv6 Focus Month” In March

Got an IPv6 security problem you’d like to share? A solution to an IPv6 security problem that you want to tell others about? If so, the team behind the Internet Storm Center (ISC) would love to share your stories as part of their IPv6 Focus Month they are planning for March 2013.  Johannes Ullrich of the Read more…

SourceForge Redesigns Itself To Compete With Github

sourceforgeWhen I received an email today telling me that one of my ancient projects was being “upgraded” to the “new” SourceForge developer platform, I had to admit that I had no clue that SourceForge was even launching a new platform.

But sure enough, “The Next SourceForge” …

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Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2013 Begins Today In San Diego

The 20th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) began today in San Diego, California, with a program packed full of talks that look fascinating to someone like me with a strong security interest. While there are no sessions specifically focused on DNSSEC or IPv6 listed on the program, there are a range of network security and Read more…

Telemark skiing – and Remembering What It Is Like To Be A Beginner Again

Telemark skiing – and Remembering What It Is Like To Be A Beginner Again by Dan York