FIR Podcast Hits Episode #700 – Publishes Special Interview With Shel and Neville

As most readers probably know by now, I’m been a weekly contributor to the "For Immediate Release (FIR)" podcast since back in 2005, and all those years later I continue to find the FIR episodes extremely useful ways to stay…

Can DNSSEC and DANE Help Make Voice-over-IP (VoIP) and Unified Communications (UC) More Secure?

Can DNSSEC help make voice and video communications over IP more secure?  Could DNSSEC combined with DANE provide a means to more easily distribute the TLS/SSL certificates needed for VoIP phones and systems?  Can DNSSEC help ensure that you are talking with the correct VoIP system or application server?  Can DNSSEC improve the security of Read more…

Comcast Launches IPv6 Trials For Business Customers – Sign Up Today

We were very pleased to see news yesterday on Comcast’s corporate blog about the launch of IPv6 services for businesses. Comcast’s John Jason Brzowski wrote there that: Business Ethernet customers have had full IPv6 service and support in place for them since the beginning of 2013. IPv6 trials are about to get underway for our Business Internet customers Read more…

DNSSEC and IP Communications (including VoIP, UC, RTC, SIP)

This page will serve as a repository of information related to how DNSSEC and DANE can work with communications protocols based on IP, including voice-over-IP (VoIP), unified communications (UC). real-time communications (RTC) and the use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Documentation (need to identify any documentation on this topic) Presentation Slides Who Are You Read more…

Video – Interview with Jan Zorz at PLNOG

Our team member Jan Zorz was in Poland recently to attend the PLNOG meeting, he was interviewed about what he is doing with the Internet Society.  You can now watch and hear Jan talking about how he is seeking to engage with more network operators around best current operational practices:

IPv6 and IP Communications (including VoIP, UC, RTC, SIP)

This page will serve as a repository of information of information related to IPv6 and communications protocols based on IP, including voice-over-IP (VoIP), unified communications (UC). real-time communications (RTC) and the use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). (NOTE: Need to include reference here to how WebRTC is designed to work with IPv6.) Documentation RFC Read more…

Video – DNSSEC Deployment In The .GOV TLD (LISA 2012)

How did the deployment of DNSSEC go within the .GOV top-level domain? What kind of errors were found in the deployment?  What lessons were learned?  If they could start it all again, what would they do differently? These were all questions discussed by Scott Rose of the US NIST in a talk last December at Read more…

SIP Network Operators Conference (SIPNOC) Starts Tonight in Herndon, Virginia (Featured Blog)

Tonight begins the third annual SIP Network Operators Conference (SIPNOC) in Herndon, Virginia, where technical and operations staff from service providers around the world with gather to share information and learn about the latest trends in IP commun…

At SIPNOC 2013 This Week Talking About VoIP And IPv6, DNSSEC … and Security, Of Course

One of the conferences I’ve found most interesting each year is the SIP Network Operators Conference (SIPNOC) produced by the SIP Forum, a nonprofit industry association. Part of my interest is that it is only an educational conference, i.e. there’s…

SIP Network Operators Conference (SIPNOC) Starts Tonight In Herndon, Virginia (Featured Blog)
