This Thursday, June 6, marks the one year anniversary of World IPv6 Launch. As we stated in a news release today, the growth in connected IPv6 users has more than doubled since June 6, 2012. In fact, the IPv6 measurements page shows even greater growth in some networks. For instance, Verizon Wireless, who we recently Read more…
Jun 03
FIR #706 – 6/3/13 – For Immediate Release
Final B2B Huddle keynote is up; Jeremiah Owyang interview coming; Neville will be at LeWeb London; no Asia Report today; Quick News: diminished role of relationships in media relations, LinkedIn launches two-step verification, PRSA aims to raise APR vi…
May 31
Moving Beyond Telephone Numbers – The Need for a Secure, Ubiquitous Application-Layer Identifier (Featured Blog)
Do “smart” parking meters really need phone numbers? Does every “smart meter” installed by electric utilities need a telephone number? Does every new car with a built-in navigation system need a phone number? Does every Amazon Kindle (and similar e-rea…
May 31
Celebrating 3 Years of Exercise/Running – And Dropping 50 Pounds
Three years ago yesterday I started down a path that would fundamentally change my life. At the time, I weighed around 255 pounds and couldn’t really walk down our (short) street without feeling a bit winded. Caught up in the whirlwind of business travel and sitting at desks, I wasn’t making the best choices. I knew I needed to change. Our second daughter was a year old and I realized that I had to do something for my health to ensure I was going to be around for my wife and our two girls. So my wife and I started…
May 29
Moving Beyond Telephone Numbers – The Need For A Secure, Ubiquitous Application-Layer Identifier
Do "smart" parking meters really need phone numbers? Does every "smart meter" installed by electric utilities need a telephone number? Does every new car with a built-in navigation system need a phone number? Does every Amazon Kindle (and similar e-readers)…
May 29
TDYR #011 – How Can We Move Beyond Phone Numbers As Identifiers?
Do we really need to be assigning telephone numbers to smart meters, cars and e-readers? Could we instead use some other application-layer identifier? If so, what? And how? In this episode I talk about some of the issues around moving beyond phone n…
May 27
FIR #705 – 5/27/13 – For Immediate Release
Another keynote coming; more book reviews coming; Stephen Waddington elected CIPR 2014 president; Eric Schwartzman launches new business; Quick News: Mercedes-Benz to put QR codes on cars, World Nutella Day sparks Facebook controversy, the consequences…
May 24
Great news! .TV and .CC Now Signed With DNSSEC
Great news out of Verisign today – they have signed the .TV and .CC domains with DNSSEC! Per ICANN’s TLD DNSSEC report, this means that we’re now at 107 TLDs out of 317 with DS anchors in the root zone. Great to see! So now… if you have a domain in the .TV or .CC Read more…
May 24
Who Has Helped the Internet? May 31 Deadline for Nominations for 2013 Jonathan Postel Service Award (Featured Blog)
Do you know of a person or organization who has made a great contribution to the Internet community? If so, have you considered nominating that person or organization for the 2013 Jonathan B. Postel Service Award? The nomination deadline of May 31 is f…