Video: IETF Chair Jari Arkko Summarizes The Activities of IETF 87 In Berlin (Featured Blog)

The 87th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in Berlin, Germany, concluded on August 2, 2013. IETF Chair Jari Arkko recently published his summary of IETF 87 on the IETF Blog highlighting what he felt were some of the more important a…

FIR #716 – 8/12/13 – For Immediate Release

AirPR interview is up, marketing automation and Melbourne Mandate interviews coming, Bloggade 2013 is coming up; Quick news: promoted tweets boost offline sales, MixBit adds collaboration to Vine-Instagram competitor, top three tips from a LinkedIn exp…

FIR #716 – 12/5/13 – For Immediate Release

FIR Interview with AirPR CEO up, interviews coming with Craig Jolley and with Jean Valin and Dan Tisch, Bloggade 2013; Twitter promoted tweets, MixBit, top 3 LinkedIn tips, what consumers hate about social brands; Ragan promo, Google’s new rules for pr…

TDYR #026 – Grüße Aus Berlin! at InterContinental Berlin

TDYR #026 – Grüße Aus Berlin! at InterContinental Berlin by Dan York

Slides: Introduction To The DANE Protocol

At the DNSSEC Workshop earlier this month at ICANN 47 in South Africa, I gave an introductory tutorial about the DANE protocol and how it can be used to secure Internet communication such as that through a web browser. I explained how DANE works, outlined some use cases and provided a series of links for Read more…

Can We Create A Secure Caller ID For VoIP? (Featured Blog)


Can We Create a Secure Caller ID For VoIP? (Featured Blog)

Can we create a “secure Caller ID” for IP-based communications, a.k.a. voice-over-IP (VoIP)? And specifically for VoIP based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)? Can we create a way to securely identify the origin of a call that can be used to com…

Can We Create A "Secure Caller ID" For VoIP? (Join Tomorrow’s STIR BOF To Learn More)

Can we create a "secure Caller ID" for IP-based communications, a.k.a. voice-over-IP (VoIP)? And specifically for VoIP based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)? Can we create a way to securely identify the origin of a call that can be…

Reminder – Opus Codec Presentation Streaming LIVE From IETF 87 in 2 Hours

Want to learn more about the Opus codec and why it is so important? As I mentioned at the end of my last post about why Opus matters, there will be a special presentation about Opus as part of the…

FIR #714 – 7/29/13 – For Immediate Release

New interview with Tony Million, airPR interview coming; IABC update; shoutout to Rachel Miller for AllThingsIC TV; Quick News: was your Instagram account hacked?, RIP AdAge Power 150, world’s first Twitter-themed hotel opens, LinkedIn makes some moves…