How do we harden the Internet against the kinds of pervasive monitoring and surveillance that has been in recent news? While full solutions may require political and legal actions, are there technical improvements that can be made to underlying Interne…
Oct 31
TDYR #045 – Hardening The Internet Against Surveillance – IETF 88 Technical Plenary Next Week
What can be done to harden the Internet against large-scale surveillance and pervasive monitoring? That will be the topic of the Technical Plenary next Wednesday, Nov 6, at the IETF 88 meeting in Vancouver. In this episode I talk about the upcoming e…
Oct 31
Video Interview: Why Use Knot DNS For DNS And DNSSEC?
What is the “Knot DNS” server all about and why would you want to use it versus one of the other DNS servers supporting DNSSEC? At the recent ENOG 6 event in Kiev, Ukraine, I had a chance to speak with Jaromir Talir from CZ.NIC Labs and the resulting video interview can be found below. Read more…
Oct 31
Knot DNS
Knot DNS is an authoritative DNS name server that can be used to serve out zone records and includes support for DNSSEC and DANE. One of the key design goals is to provide simple DNSSEC support for dynamic DNS. Knot DNS is developed by the team at CZ.NIC and can be found at: It Read more…
Oct 30
4 Sessions About Routing Resiliency/Security At IETF 88 Next Week
Next week at IETF 88 in Vancouver the topic of routing resiliency/security will be covered in a variety of different working groups. Our colleague Andrei Robachevsky outlined what will be covered in a post on the “Internet Technology Matters (ITM)” blog: Rough Guide to IETF 88: Routing Resilience. We’re looking forward to those sessions and you can Read more…
Oct 30
Finally! Google+ Starts Rolling Out Custom URLs To Regular Users
Finally! We can now get "custom URLs" for our Google+ accounts! As of this morning you can now find me at the nice and easy URL of: One of the supreme annoyances of using Google+ has been the horribly…
Oct 30
Linphone On iOS Now Supports The Opus Codec
When updating my iPhone this week, I was extremely pleased to see the message in the attached screenshot that Linphone now supports the Opus audio codec. Somewhat strangely, I don’t see any mention of this Opus support (or even the…
Oct 28
Video: Requirements for IPv6 in ICT Equipment — a tale of RIPE-554 (PLNOG 11)
What is the story behind the creation of the RIPE-554 document specifying IPv6 requirements for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment? At the recent PLNOG 11 event (where we also ran our ION Krakow event), our own Jan Zorz and Sande…
Oct 28
TDYR #044 – A Crazy Busy Week Preparing For IETF 88 In Vancouver (Next Week)
This week will be a crazy one for me getting ready for the IETF 88 meeting happening next week in Vancouver. Some of the links I mention are:
Intro to the IETF video:
IETF 88 page:…