My Unexpected Comment On YouTube – Via The Google+ Integration

Today I received a personal reminder of the new strong linkage between Google+ and YouTube. Given that today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day here in the USA, I posted a link to a YouTube video of Dr. King’s…

FIR #739 – 1/20/14 – For Immediate Release

Shel joins Mark Schaefer on Six Pixels podcast; Laura Thomas interview is up; new episodes of Higher Education, FIR On Strategy, and Linked Conversations; two new podcasts joining FIR Podcast Network; Quick News: FDA offers social media guidance to pha…

TDYR #074 – NFL Playoffs: Fox Sports FAILed The Internet While CBS Sports Rocked!

Trying to watch the NFL Playoffs tonight over the Internet, one network (CBS Sports) rocked and let “cord-cutters” watch the game (with advertising) while the other network (Fox Sports) was still stuck in the legacy business model where they require yo…

Video/Slides: Case Study – Deploying IPv6 In 10 Days at 24Media (RIPE67)

Here’s a fun story… Tore Anderson decided that since he was going to RIPE 67 and it was sort of a “party” of network engineers, he ought to bring a gift – so he decided to make 24Media’s websites available over IPv6.  Only problem was that RIPE67 was only 10 days away!  So he had to Read more…

TDYR #073 – The Curious Intersection Of Our Time In Ottawa And Tonight’s Continental Cup Of Curling

While watching the live stream of the Continental Cup of Curling tonight, I was pleasantly surprised to learn of a connection between the women’s team we were watching and the city of Ottawa and the man who first taught me how to play the sport of curl…

Weekend Project: Set Up An IPv6 Tunnel

Don’t have IPv6 connectivity to your home or office network? Have you asked your ISP about getting IPv6 and they can’t give you a timeframe? Don’t despair! One way you can get IPv6 connectivity for your home office is to set up an “IPv6 tunnel” from your network out over your IPv4 Internet connection to Read more…

Watch Live This Weekend – Some Of The Best Curling Teams In The World At Continental Cup 2014

Continental CupWe have an amazing opportunity this weekend (Jan 17-19) to watch some of the best curling teams in the world competing against each other in the “Continental Cup” in Las Vegas.  All of it will be streamed LIVE across the Internet at:

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TDYR #072 – Phenomenal Curling Streaming Live From Las Vegas This Weekend

We have a chance to watch some *amazing* curling this weekend streaming live across the Internet as some of the best teams in the world compete in the “Continental Cup 2014” in Las Vegas. The live stream can be found at:…

New IETF “openv6″ Mailing List For IPv6 Application Developers

Do we need an “open interface and a programmable platform to support various IPv6 applications? That is the question posed for a new “openv6″ IETF discussion mailing list announced yesterday. The openv6 list, which is open to anyone to subscribe to, has this description: This list is to discuss a open interface and a programmable platform Read more…

TDYR #071 – A Very Cool Trick To Type Special Characters On A Mac Keyboard

I learned a very cool trick to type special characters while on a Mac… where before to type a “ü” I would press “Alt+u” to get an umlaut and then the “u” key, now I just use what I describe in this episode… VERY cool! (And presumably only for Macs – I don’t know if there is a similar trick for Windows.)