New DNSSEC Deployment Maps for April 28, 2014, Now Available

I’ve made a couple of updates recently to our DNSSEC Deployment Maps section of the site. First, I updated the page to display the most recent deployment maps from yesterday, April 28, 2014.  The big change from previous maps is that Australia now appears in blue as the folks there have signed the .AU top-level Read more…

TDYR #0148 – What Do You Do On Your First Work Day After Vacation?

TDYR #0148 – What Do You Do On Your First Work Day After Vacation? by Dan York

FIR #753 – 4/28/14 – For Immediate Release

Interview coming with DomainSkate’s Howard Greenstein and David Mitnick; Quick News: SEC guidelines for social networks during proxy fights, 3D printers print 10 houses in 24 hours, Two NFL teams post 2014 schedules on SnapChat, the LinkedIn crowd deco…

TDYR #147 – It Is Hard To Podcast When You Cannot Speak

TDYR #147 – It Is Hard To Podcast When You Cannot Speak by Dan York

Wired: It’s Time To Encrypt The Entire Internet

Is it time to “dump the plain text Internet” and encrypt everything everywhere? That’s the main thrust of an article by Klint Finley in Wired last week: “It’s Time to Encrypt the Entire Internet“. As he writes: The Heartbleed bug crushed our faith in the secure web, but a world without the encryption software that Read more…

CloudFlare Enabling IPv6 For All Customers

Buried in a post last month about Martin Levy joining CloudFlare was this gem: CloudFlare is enabling IPv6 by default for ALL of their customers! If you are not aware of CloudFlare, the are a “content delivery network” (or “content distribution network”… either way it is “CDN”) that takes your website and makes it available through their Read more…

Call For Participation – ICANN 50 DNSSEC Workshop on 25 June In London

Are you planning to attend the ICANN 50 meeting in London in June?  If so, would you like to share your experience with deploying DNSSEC?  As noted below, we are seeking proposals for presentations to be given during the DNSSEC Workshop that will happen on Wednesday, June 25, 2014, during the ICANN week. The full Read more…

FIR #752 – 4/21/14 – For Immediate Release

Interview with developers is up; Quick News: US Court says blogs are media, General Mills backpedals on new online terms of service, LinkedIn releases Slideshare app, Americans are optimistic about upcoming technology advances; Ragan pr…

Hello world!

Welcome to  This is an experimental site created purely for me to experiment with a newgTLD (.blue).   The site is, of course, signed with DNSSEC and is also available over IPv6.

Call For IPv6 Case Studies For World IPv6 Launchiversary

Have you already deployed IPv6 in your network? Have you migrated your application to work over IPv6? Have you made your website or online service available over IPv6? If so, WE WANT YOUR EXAMPLE AS A CASE STUDY! Friday, 6 June 2014, marks the 2-year “Launchiversary” of World IPv6 Launch, the day when sites and networks Read more…