Today at 5:10pm EDT the IETF 90 Technical Plenary will be streamed live out of Toronto, Canada… After some initial reports, the technical focus will be on “Network topology and geography.” The session will be recorded for later viewing. The slides ar…
Jul 21
Deploy360@IETF90, Day1: v6OPS, DNSSEC in SIPCORE, 6TISCH and the Technical Plenary
Today here in Toronto at IETF 90 the main activity for the Deploy360 team will be the “IPv6 Operations” (V6OPS) session happening at 9:00am EDT this morning. The V6OPS agenda shows that today there will be three larger discussions of interest to us: A discussion of how the interaction between SLAAC and DHCPv6 for can Read more…
Jul 21
FIR #765 – 7/21/14 – For Immediate Release
Quick News: French blogger fined for high search ranking, Russian government caught editing MH17 Wikipedia entry, is PressFriendly keeping your PR agency up at night?, Bing complies with right-to-be-forgotten ruling; Ragan promo; News That Fits: automa…
Jul 19
Watch LIVE: Edward Snowden at HOPE-X Today at 2:00pm EDT (18:00 UTC) (Featured Blog)
Whether you view Edward Snowden as a criminal or a hero, or somewhere in between, you cannot dispute that his revelations about pervasive surveillance have changed the discussions about the Internet on both technology and policy levels. If you are inte…
Jul 18
A Great Bit of DNSSEC and DNS at IETF 90 Next Week (Featured Blog)
For those people tracking the evolution and deployment of DNSSEC or who are just interested in “DNS security” in general there is a great amount of activity happening next week at IETF 90 in Toronto. I dove into this activity in great detail in a recen…
Jul 18
New World IPv6 Launch Measurements – Comcast over 30%, AT&T over 20%
The World IPv6 Launch measurements for July 2014 are out and among the top 10 networks in terms of volume Comcast has now crossed over the 30% mark for IPv6 deployment: Also in North America, AT&T has crossed over the 20% mark and Time Warner Cable has crossed over 10% for the first time. Verizon Wireless, who Read more…
Jul 18
Meet The Deploy360 Team at IETF 90 Next Week In Toronto
If you are going to be at IETF 90 next week (July 12-16, 2014) in Toronto, please do find us and say hello! Three of our DO team members will be there: Megan Kruse, Jan Žorž and myself (Dan York). You can expect to find us in many or most of the sessions related to Read more…
Jul 17
Congrats to Spain (.ES) and Croatia (.HR) on on their DNSSEC-signed TLDs in the DNS Root
Congratulations to the teams at the top-level domains (TLDs) of both .ES (Spain) and .HR (Croatia) for getting their DNSSEC-signed TLDs in the root of DNS! Looking at Rick Lamb’s DNSSEC Deployment Report today I can see that as of yesterday both TLDs had a DS record in the root zone of DNS. Both will now Read more…