Tag: World IPv6 Launch

4th Anniversary of World IPv6 Launch Provides More Reasons To Migrate Apps to IPv6…

World IPv6 Launch logoToday is the fourth anniversary of World IPv6 Launch, where in 2012 thousands of websites and hundreds of networks permanently enabled IPv6.  I wrote about this anniversary over on CircleID and prominently mentioned that Google’s global IPv6 statistics just went over the 12% mark this past weekend.


Up from 1% just 3.5 years ago (end of 2012). That’s a very remarkable growth rate and a clear sign that the transition to IPv6 IS happening, no matter what critics may say!

Coupled with the fact that as of June 1 Apple is now requiring all iOS apps to work on an IPv6-only network… the situation is definitely clear that application developers need to understand how to make their apps work over IPv6 – and sooner rather than later.

This book was obviously written to help, but there are other resources available now to help developers.

The key point is to get started now! Before that 12% becomes 25% or 50% … and your app that only works on legacy IPv4 networks starts to have more challenges.  Do it today!

An audio commentary about this 4th Launchiversary is also available:

New IPv6 Case Studies Out… But None From Application Developers!

World Ipv6 LaunchAs part of my job at the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme, we recently published a whole new batch of IPv6 case studies during the 2nd “Launchiversary” of World IPv6 Launch. However, if you scan down that list of case studies you’ll see one interesting omission:

There are NO case studies from application developers!

None. Zilch. Zero.

This needs to change!  If you are an application developer and have migrated your application over to work on IPv6, my colleagues and I at the Internet Society would love to write up a bit about what you have done.  PLEASE CONTACT US!

It doesn’t have to be anything gigantic.  It could just be a simple article explaining what you did to make your application work over IPv6.  Or it could be a paragraph linking to a video of a presentation you gave or a set of slides.  We are glad to “interview” you, too, via email or a voice/video call to capture information that we will then write up.  All we need is your interest and willingness to be included.  Please do let us know.

Separately from that, I am still interested in including some case studies in the next version of this “Migrating Applications To IPv6” book that I’m targeting for early 2015.  I have a list of questions that I’d like to ask some of you and include in the book. The benefit to other developers will be that they will get to learn about how to move to IPv6 based on your experience. The benefit to you is that I’ll mention your application and name and give you the added publicity from being in the book.  The benefit to the Internet is that we’ll get more people moving over to IPv6 sooner rather than later!  If you are interested in being considered for the book, please contact me directly!