Tag: git

Git Immersion – A New Tutorial Site About Git

Git Immersion - Brought to you by EdgeCase.jpgWant to learn more about the Git version control system? I recently was pointed to a new site called Git Immersion that provides some great, simple, step-by-step tutorials to get you started with using git. I love the premise:

Git Immersion is a guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git, inspired by the premise that to know a thing is to do it.

For those of you wanting to learn more about git, Git Immersion s definitely worth a walkthrough…

Video Book Review: Pragmatic Guide to Git


Last night I recorded a new episode of my Emerging Tech Talk video podcast (as part of my One Day of Content Creation) where I reviewed the Pragmatic Guide to Git written by Travis Swicegood and published by Pragmatic Programmers in November 2010.

As I note in the video embedded below, I found the book quite useful as a reference and a solid intro to git for people who may have experience with other version control systems and want to come up to speed with git. It is not a tutorial on version control systems, so if you have no experience with VCS’s, you’ll need to read some other book first. (Or watch my earlier ETT episode where I explain version control systems.)

Enjoy the review…

In full disclosure:

  1. O’Reilly sent me a copy of this book to review, but I would have purchased it anyway since I have a passionate interest in git.
  2. The links to Amazon.com above use my affiliate code and so if you actually buy the book I will receive a tiny amount of money.

Using Git Submodules (to build a USB key distro, in this case)

As noted previously, I’m a huge fan of git and an avid user of Github. Given that, I appreciate learning new ways to do cool things with git. Here was a new one to me – using git “submodules” to build a package consisting of other git repositories. In this case, Adam Kalsey wrote about how he used the “git submodule” command to package up a number of different components for a USB key drive.

The key point is: each of the components remains in its OWN git repository – yet the overall “package” is ALSO under git revision control.

This is cool to me as I’ve wanted to do something similar in the past – I’ve now added “git submodule” to my internal “git toolbox” list. Looking forward to trying it out at some point.

Want to see what I’m working on? Follow me on Github…

github.jpgIf you want to track what I’m working on for programming projects these days, the best place to go is my Github account at:


If you are also a Github user (and accounts are free), you can simply “follow” me so that my updates appear in your Github “News Feed”. Or, you can simply go back to that page from time to time. 🙂

I am a big fan of the Git version control system and I do use git for pretty much all my coding projects right now… and generally link all the public projects into Github.