AXTEL is the second-largest telecommunications operator in Mexico, running its own network in 39 major cities in Mexico and having connectivity to 200 more cities across the country. They have implemented IPv6 for their business and VPN customers and are currently analyzing how best to roll out IPv6 to their residential customers. In this 2014 case study (PDF) they walk through the multiple phases of their IPv6 implementation, including:
- Project kickoff
- Initial analysis
- Network deployment
- Service deployment
In each phase outlining what they did and providing a good checklist for any other service provider to consider. Their slides are available for viewing:

In particular, their “In Retrospective” section states that if they could return to the beginning of their IPv6 project, they wish they could have had:
- More insight regarding how each of our different equipment providers were doing towards their evolution to IPv6.
- The possibility to talk to another provider that had already implemented IPv6 in their network and learn from their experiences.
- Support from our providers with people/team that had hands-on experience in an IPv6 evolution project.
- To have had IPv6 support, even years before the beginning of the project; as a required functionality in all or our network and IT equipment requirements.
They go on to provide their recommendations for other companies seeking to move to IPv6:
- Communicate to all company levels the urgency and importance of IPv6 evolution.
- IPv6 is a primarily a business continuity case.
- Test in a lab environment all your IPv6 deployment scenarios
- Begin IPv6 training in all the different technical, sales and marketing teams ASAP.
- Evaluate the necessity of running a network audit or assessment to know where your network stands regarding IPv6.
- Assist to technology forums and ask other people about their experience in the IPv6 evolution. There are a lot of us in the same situation.
- Work closely with your equipment providers.
- Implement double stack wherever possible.
- Avoid NAT techniques wherever possible.
- Don’t be afraid of the IPv6 transition; as with many things the beginning is the toughest part.
All of which are solid recommendations!
This case study was provided by Cesar Joel Ramirez Garcia, IP Architect Engineer and IPv6 Leader with AXTEL in Mexico.
If you would like to get started with IPv6, please visit our IPv6 resources or begin with our “Start Here” page to help find resources most appropriate for your type of organization.