Category: India

India’s Dept of Telecommunications for Tamil Nadu Making Plans for Transition To IPv6

The Hindu logoWe were very pleased to see a report out of The Hindu that the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu is making a concerted effort to plan for the migration to IPv6. From the article:

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has started compiling an inventory of all computer networks used by government departments, State and Central public sector undertakings and banks across Tamil Nadu for finalising a plan for transition to the next generation Internet address, IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6).


The DoT’s road map envisaged complete migration to IPv6 by 2017-end as the address capacity of IPv4 had been exhausted. Besides freeing up space for more Internet users, the other benefits of the move to IPv6 include better quality of service for consumers, support for high-end applications and better security features. It is also proposed that the actual migration work will adopt a dual stack that will support both IPv4 and IPv6 platforms.

The DoT’s timeline for the migration is to have all public facing interfaces for government services available over both IPv4 and IPv6 by January 1, 2015.