Intro: Welcome to Linked Conversations host Chuck Hester, our final guest co-host as Neville’s month-long hiatus draws to a close.
Quick News: How Apple won a PR victory with help from Taylor Swift, one of Hollywood’s biggest publicity agencies gets caught with its hand in the Wikipedia cookie jar, why Netflix reigns supreme in the cord-cutting movement, a top creative executive from the world of advertising proclaims the power of print.
News That Fits: An in-depth conversation about LinkedIn, including the value of a robust company page, LinkedIn’s power as a content marketing tool, enhancing your presence with Slideshare content, and why your sales staff (and others) should be participating in LinkedIn groups; Dan York’s Tech Report, with details on the Internet of Things, a look at David Weinberger’s report on the Internet that once was (and could be again), and a Dow Jones CEO’s warning that news media should rethink getting too cozy using Facebook and Apple as news distribution channels; listener comments; LinkedIn’s acquisition of (and how it might integrate the training site); Igloo Software promo; the last week on the FIR podcast network; how big brands have reacted to the SCOTUS same-sex marriage ruling, and whether other brands should consider following suit.
Music from Jim Keller, and more.
Links to the content in this episode are on Delicious.
So, until July 6, when Neville returns.
The post #814: You’re Underusing LinkedIn appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.