Intro: The final episode of The Hobson and Holtz Report is coming in September, and more news about changes in FIR; new FIR Interview coming this week; two new FIR Podcast Network shows about to debut: YouTubular Conversations with Harry Hawk, EE Voice with Sharon McIntosh and Sharon Phillips;
Quick News: Is VR the future for Second Life?, the New York Times live-blogged GOP debate directly from Slack using a Chrome extension, 3 reasons Millennials are getting fired, beware the fake embedded tweet; CustomScoop promo;
News That Fits: Marketing is shifting from agencies and moving in-house; Dan York’s Tech Report, including Google’s handling of new top-level domains, a kerfuffle over Facebook videos, and WeChat and mobile in China; listener comments; controlling the media channels: can football win the game?; Igloo Software promo; the past week on the FIR Podcast Network;
Music from Ace & the Gulls; and more.
Links to the content in this episode are on Delicious.
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