Category: ENOG

Video – ENOG6: DNSSEC and DANE Deployment Trends, Tools And Challenges

What are DNSSEC and DANE all about?  What advantages do they have?  What tools are out there to help?  Back in October I spoke at the ENOG 6 event in Kiev, Ukraine, about DNSSEC deployment trends and also the opportunities with the DANE protocol to build an additional secure layer of trust in TLS/SSL certificates.  The video is available for viewing and the slides are also available online:

It was a great session and I had a good number of questions from people in the room.  Now.. the question is… how can we help YOU deploy DNSSEC?

Speaking at ENOG6 On Oct 2 About DNSSEC And DANE – Will Be Streamed Live

ENOG LogoWhat is the current status of DNSSEC deployment? What is going on with DANE? What are some of the remaining challenges?

Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 2, 2013, I’ll be speaking about these DNSSEC/DANE topics at the “Eurasia Network Operators Group (ENOG) 6” event happening in Kiev, Ukraine.

My particular presentation is in the plenary block beginning at:

  • 15:00 Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), which will be
  • 14:00 in most of Europe (CEST) and
  • 8:00am US Eastern.

I’m the second presentation in the block and so I’ll start whenever the previous presenter finishes… probably sometime around 15:30.  My talk will be probably around 30 minutes at the most.

The session will be streamed live as part of the ENOG webcast available at:

(And no, I don’t think the actual livestream is available over IPv6, as we did yesterday, but the ENOG website is available over IPv6.)

If you’d like a preview, my slides are available from the ENOG6 Presentations page, in both PDF and PPT.

I’m looking forward to giving the presentation… it’s a good group of people here at ENOG.  They also do NOT typically hold back in terms of asking questions from the microphones which makes for good sessions and dialogue.

And if you are at ENOG6, please do say hello… I’ll be around all day tomorrow (and am here tonight).