Dan York

Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...

Author's posts

#824: Is SEO really dead?

Intro: Welcome to the final episode of ‘The Hobson and Holtz Report’; a quick note about ‘For Immediate Release’ beginning on September 21;

Quick News: Hundreds of Wikipedia editors banned for secretly promoting brands, Barcelona Principles 2.0 unveiled, virtual reality update: Rebecca Minkoff VR headsets and VR’s role in B2B marketing, Spindle is a social app that encourages you to be selfish with your content; CustomScoop promo;

News That Fits: Is SEO really dead? How content marketing and SEO can work together; Dan York’s Tech Report: Skype Messaging, mobile-friendly web pages, celebrities promoting sponsored ads on Facebook, and more; listener comments from the FIR Podcast Community on Google+; the past week on the FIR Podcast Network; hotline launched to help CIPR members with ethical dilemmas; Igloo Software promo; Michael Netzley’s Asia Report: recommending economic and communication hot topics for the coming months;

Music by The Subways; and more, including farewell comments throughout the show from Kris Gallagher, Joe Thornley, Bernie Goldbach, Clarence Jones, Alex Yong, Kurt Kragh Sørensen, Rachel Miller, Dan York, Michael Netzley, and Adena Schutzberg.

Links to the content in this episode are on Delicious.

The post #824: Is SEO really dead? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Events Calendar for DNSSEC / DANE Activities Now Available

Every month on our DNSSEC Coordination calls (1st Thursday of the month) we go over the upcoming activities we know about that are related to DNSSEC and / or DANE.  Now I’ve made that event information available in an events calendar on the DNSSEC Deployment site at:


and in a calendar view at:


Our intent is to help spread the word and connect more people to the events happening within the DNSSEC community.

IF YOU HAVE AN EVENT YOU WOULD LIKE INCLUDED, please simply email me at york@isoc.org.

Comments are welcome about the calendar and event listing.   For those curious, I’m using the Ajax Event Calendar plugin for WordPress.

DNSSEC Event Calendar

Running In The Pre-Dawn Stillness

There is something beautiful about running in the hour or so before dawn. Everything is still. Quiet. Awakening.

You see the animals coming out for their breakfast. Rabbits. Birds. Others.

The day is yet to begin.

Full of possibilities and opportunities.

Ours to discover. If we choose to do so.

There is something beautiful about running in the pre-dawn hours.

Running In The Pre-Dawn Stillness

Running In The Pre-Dawn Stillness

[Photos are from my run this morning at 5:45am in the Woodlawn and Greenlawn cemeteries in Keene, NH.]

Dan York Live Stream

Swisscom Doubles IPv6 Deployment – Verizon Wireless Hits 70% IPv6

Some great news for IPv6 advocates in the latest August 2015 World IPv6 Launch measurements. As our colleague Mat Ford writes, Swisscom doubled their deployment over the past few months to near 40%!

Swisscom IPv6 statistics

Meanwhile, Verizon Wireless continues its steady climb to where the sites measuring activity are now seeing 70% IPv6 deployment from Verizon’s network:

Verizon Wireless IPv6

It continues to be fun to watch this trend line grow up and to the right!

Many more statistics are available at the World IPv6 Launch measurements page. As Mat notes, Telekom Malaysia entered the top ten networks based on the methodology used (see the bottom of the page to learn more).  Congrats to the folks there in Malaysia for making this happen!

If you want to expand your IPv6 efforts, please visit our Start Here page to find resources to help!

And if you are a network operator with IPv6 deployed, why not sign up to join into the World IPv6 Launch measurements effort?  It’s free to you and it will help us continue to understand and measure the transition to IPv6!

Hobson & Holtz #823: Do brands need Chief Narrative Officers?

Intro: Joe Thornley is sitting in for Neville on the penultimate episode of The Hobson & Holtz Report; the final show, episode 824, will air next Monday; a few words about For Immediate Release, the show that will fill the void left by Neville’s dpearture;

Quick News: Facebook responds to suggestions that it benefits from copyright violations and introduces a new tool to help fight them; publisher performance on Instagram is through the roof; Instagram abandons the square-only photo and video requirement; GIFs.com adds some nifty features marketers will like; CustomScoop promo;

News That Fits: Why ever brand could use a Chief Narrative Officer; Michael Netzley’s Asia Report: the 1MDB scandal; listener comments; podcasting is on the upsurge (and a discussion about podcast networks); Dan York’s Tech Report: Chrome will start automatically pausing some Flash content starting on September 1, why people hate making phone calls, Slack is making privacy cool again, the end of the Internet dream; Igloo Software promo; the last week on the FIR Podcast Network; Augie Ray and Josh Bernoff face off on the death of social media marketing;

Music from Delta Dreambox; and more.

Links to the content in this episode are on Delicious.

The post #823: Do brands need Chief Narrative Officers? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

TDYR 262 – Returning To Regular Rhythms and Routines

Summer is over in the Northern Hemisphere and now we return to the regular rhythms and routines...

Congratulations to Uruguay on signing .UY with DNSSEC!

map of South America

Last week Uruguay became the latest country to sign their country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) with DNSSEC!  With that change, the DNSSEC deployment map for the Latin American region gets just that much greener.  And now, everyone using a .UY domain will potentially be able to benefit from the increased security and trust provided by DNSSEC – and also to make use of newer innovations such as DANE.  I say “potentially” only because having the TLD signed is just the first step in the process of signing your domain – you still need your domain name registrar and your DNS hosting provider (which might be your registrar) to support DNSSEC.  However, this is a great step forward for Uruguay and shows the continued deployment of DNSSEC around the world.

Congrats to the team at Servicio Central de Informatica (SECIU) who made this happen!

If you would like to learn about how you can secure your domain with DNSSEC (whether you are in Uruguay or anywhere else in the world), please visit our Start Here page to begin…

Hashtag Support In Ello Helps Find Great Content

Octothorpes hashtags 660About three weeks ago, Ello added hashtag support and made it possible for people to find great content that is being posted on Ello. Paul Budnitz wrote about the launch (on Ello, of course) and included some examples (to which I've then added a few more):

Obviously hashtags have been around on other social networks for quite some time. When Ello launched last year some people almost immediately asked where the hashtag support was.

Now it's here... and if you search on Ello (using simply https://ello.co/search ) you can now use hashtags as a great way to find new content - and to find new people to follow.

I'm still writing on Ello now and then - https://ello.co/danyork - partly out of just interest in trying a different service and partly because I like the _principles_ upon which Ello is founded. Now, hashtags are helping me find other people of interest who are posting new and different things.

If you're on Ello, or gave it a try back in the beginning and then haven't gone back, do check out the hashtag support and see what you may find...

Hobson & Holtz Report #822: The case against impressions as a digital metric

Intro: Red Folder is free for a year to those affected by fires in the U.S. West, IABC Fellows talk measurement and ROI live this Thursday on ‘Circle of Fellows’;

Quick News: Drones are taking off in the oil industry, the U.S. federal government partners with Yelp to get citizen reviews, personal photos at work: pictures that paint a thousand words; mobile messaging has come of age; CustomScoop promo;

News That Fits: The case against impressions as a digital metric; Dan York’s Tech Report: Terry Fallis’ latest novel, Comcast’s livestreaming app, the Auxy Beat Studio and Looopy (for layering looped recordings) for the iPad; listener comments; the past week on the FIR Podcast Network; Michael Netzley’s Asia Report: podcasting in India; Igloo Software promo; republishing older blog content: does it work?;

News about next week’s show; music from Jim Keller; and more.

Links to the content in this episode are on Delicious.

The post #822: The case against impressions as a digital metric appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.