Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Jul 16
TDYR 352 – Excited for the start of IETF 102 in Montreal
Jul 13
Rough Guide to IETF 102: DNSSEC, DNS Security and Privacy
DNS privacy will receive a large focus in the latter half of the IETF 102 week with attention in the DPRIVE, DNSSD, and OPSEC working groups. In an interesting bit of scheduling (which is always challenging), most of the DNS sessions are Wednesday through Friday. As part of our Rough Guide to IETF 102, here’s a quick view on what’s happening in the world of DNS.
Given that IETF 102 is in Montreal, Canada, all times below are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is UTC-4.
IETF 102 Hackathon
The “DNS team” has become a regular feature of the IETF Hackathons and the Montreal meeting is no different. The IETF 102 Hackathon wiki outlines the work that will start tomorrow (scroll down to see it). Major security/privacy projects include:
- Implementing a part of draft-bortzmeyer-dprive-resolver-to-auth
- Setting up and measuring leakage avoidance using root loopback at privacy server
- Oblivious DNS
- Proof of concept of the Multi-Provider DNSSEC draft.
Anyone is welcome to join the DNS team for part or all of that event.
DNS Operations (DNSOP)
The DNS sessions at IETF 102 start on Wednesday morning from 9:30am – 12noon with the DNS Operations (DNSOP) Working Group. Paul Wouters and Ondrej Sury will be speaking about “Algorithm Implementation Requirements and Usage Guidance for DNSSEC“, where they will be offering updated guidance around what cryptographic algorithms should be used for different aspects of DNSSEC. Shumon Huque will be bringing the latest updates to draft-huque-dnsop-multi-provider-dnssec, exploring how to deploy DNSSEC in environments where multiple DNS providers are in use. Paul Wouters will also bring a new draft, draft-pwouters-powerbind, which introduces a new flag for DNSSEC keys that can address a potential attack. Given the critical role DNS plays, the DNSOP agenda has many other drafts up for discussion and action. The DNSOP working group also has a second meeting block on Thursday from 18:10-19:10.
DNS PRIVate Exchange (DPRIVE)
The DPRIVE working group meets Wednesday afternoon from 13:30-15:00 EDT. As shown on the agenda, there will be three major blocks of discussion. After some initial discussion of current work on existing DNS privacy policies, there will be a larger discussion about some new work called “Oblivious DNS” that aims to make DNS privacy protection even stronger. This work originated in a paper at Princeton University – https://odns.cs.princeton.edu/ – and now is captured in draft-annee-dprive-oblivious-dns. It should be quite an interesting discussion!
The third major area will continue discussion about how to add privacy to the communication between a DNS recursive resolver and the authoritative DNS server for a given domain. This is work outside the current DPRIVE Working Group charter and so the group will be discussing whether to ask to expand their mandate to cover this new work.
Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery (DNSSD)
Privacy will also get attention at the DNSSD Working Group on Thursday morning from 9:30-12:00 EDT. DNSSD focuses on how to make device discovery easier across multiple networks. For instance, helping you find available printers on not just your own network, but also on other networks to which your network is connected. However in doing so the current mechanisms expose a great deal of information. The agenda allocates 65 minutes to Christian Huitema to guide a discussion around the way forward. Drafts under discussion include:
- draft-ietf-dnssd-privacy (Privacy Extensions)
- draft-huitema-dnssd-prireq (Privacy and Security Requirements)
- draft-huitema-dnssd-privacyscaling (Privacy Scaling Tradeoffs)
- draft-ietf-dnssd-pairing (Short Authentication Strings)
- draft-ietf-dnssd-pairing-info (Pairing Design Issues)
There are other drafts under discussion at DNSSD, but these are the ones probably most of interest to readers of this article.
DNS Resolver Identification and Use (DRIU)
IETF 102 will feature a number of Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions, and one in particular relates to DNS security. The quick description is:
The IETF has added additional methods for DNS stub resolvers to get to recursive resolvers (notably DNS-over-TLS, RFC 7858), and is about to add another (DNS-over-HTTPS, from the DOH Working Group). As these have been developed, questions have been raised about how to identify these resolvers from protocols such as DHCP and DHCPv6, what the security properties these transports have in various configurations (such as between strict security and opportunistic security), and what it means for a user who has multiple resolvers configured when the elements of the configured set have different transports and security properties.
The DRIU session will be on Thursday from 15:50-17:50, right before the second DNSOP session (although in a different room).
Operational Security Capabilities for IP Network Infrastructure
In the very last slot on Friday afternoon from 11:50-13:20, the OPSEC working group will feature Benno Overeinder speaking about “Recommendations for DNS Privacy Service Operators“. This document outlines things DNS operators should thing about when considering offering “DNS privacy” services. It builds on the work coming out of the DPRIVE working group and the experience gained from the IETF Hackathon and the real-world deployment of these new protocols.
DNSSEC Coordination informal breakfast meeting
As a final note, on Friday morning before the sessions start we are planning an informal gathering of people involved with DNSSEC. We’ve done this at many of the IETF meetings over the past few years and it’s been a good way to connect and talk about various projects. True to the “informal” nature, we’re not sure of the location and time yet (and we are not sure if it will involve food or just be a meeting). If you would like to join us, please drop me an email or join the dnssec-coord mailing list.
Other Working Groups
DANE and DNSSEC will also appear in the TLS Working Group’s Monday meeting. The draft-ietf-tls-dnssec-chain-extension will be presented as a potential way to make DANE work faster by allowing both DANE and DNSSEC records to be transmitted in a single exchange, thus reducing the time involved with DANE transactions. Given the key role DNS plays in the Internet in general, you can also expect DNS to appear in other groups throughout the week.
P.S. For more information about DNSSEC and DANE and how you can get them deployed for your networks and domains, please see our Deploy360 site:
- http://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/dnssec/
- http://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/resources/dane/
Relevant Working Groups at IETF 102:
DNSOP (DNS Operations) WG
Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 9:30-12:00 EDT, Laurier
Thursday, 19 July 2018, 18:10-19:10 EDT, Place du Canada
Agenda: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/102/agenda/dnsop/
Documents: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/dnsop/
Charter: http://tools.ietf.org/wg/dnsop/charters/
DPRIVE (DNS PRIVate Exchange) WG
Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 13:30-15:00 EDT, Place du Canada
Agenda: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/102/agenda/dprive/
Documents: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/dprive/
Charter: http://tools.ietf.org/wg/dprive/charters/
DNSSD (Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery) WG
Thursday, 19 July 2018, 9:30-12:00 EDT, Duluth
Agenda: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/102/agenda/dnssd/
Documents: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/dnssd/
Charter: http://tools.ietf.org/wg/dnssd/charters/
DRIU (DNS Resolver Identification and Use) BOF
Thursday, 19 July 2018, 15:50-17:50 EDT, Viger
Agenda: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/102/materials/agenda-102-driu
OPSEC (Operational Security Capabilities for IP Network Infrastructure) WG
Friday, 20 July 2018, 11:50-13:20 EDT, Viger
Agenda: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/102/agenda/opsec/
Documents: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/opsec/
Charter: http://tools.ietf.org/wg/doh/charters/
Follow Us
It will be a busy week in Montreal, and whether you plan to be there or join remotely, there’s much to monitor. Read the full series of Rough Guide to IETF 102 posts, and follow us on the Internet Society blog, Twitter, or Facebook using #IETF102 to keep up with the latest news.
The post Rough Guide to IETF 102: DNSSEC, DNS Security and Privacy appeared first on Internet Society.
Jun 24
Live On Monday, 25 June – DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 62 in Panama (Featured Blog)
Jun 22
Watch Live On Monday, 25 June – DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 62 in Panama
With the DNSSEC Root Key Rollover coming up on October 11, how prepared are we as an industry? What kind of data can we collect in preparation? What is the cost benefit (or not) of implementing DANE? What can we learn from an existing rollover of a cryptographic algorithm?
All those questions and more will be discussed at the DNSSEC Workshop at the ICANN 62 meeting in Panama City, Panama, on Monday, June 25, 2018. The session will begin at 9:00 and conclude at 12:15 EST (UTC-5). [Note: this is one hour different than current US Eastern Daylight Time – Panama does not change to daylight savings time – and so this will begin at 10:00 EDT (UTC-4).]
The agenda includes:
- DNSSEC Workshop Introduction, Program, Deployment Around the World – Counts, Counts, Counts
- Panel: DNSSEC Activities and Post Key Signing Key Rollover Preparation
- DANE: Status, Cost Benefits, Impact from KSK Rollover
- An Algorithm Rollover (case study from CZ.NIC)
- Panel: KSK Rollover Data Collection and Analysis
- DNSSEC – How Can I Help?
- The Great DNSSEC/DNS Quiz
It should be an outstanding session! For those onsite, the workshop will be in Salon 4, the ccNSO room.
- WATCH LIVE: https://participate.icann.org/pty62-salon4
- More info and slides are available from these URLs (ICANN’s online schedule system breaks it up into sections based on breaks and lunch):
- 9:00-10:15 – https://62.schedule.icann.org/meetings/699560
- 10:30-12:15 – https://62.schedule.icann.org/meetings/699556
Lunch will follow. Thank you to our lunch sponsors: Afilias, CIRA, and SIDN.
The DNSSEC Workshop will be followed by the “Tech Day” set of presentations from 13:30 – 18:30 EST. Many of those may also be of interest. They will also be streamed live at the same URL.
As this is ICANN’s smaller “Policy Forum” schedule, there will not be either the “DNSSEC for Everybody” session nor the “DNSSEC Implementer’s Gathering” as there is at the other two ICANN meetings each year. Also, as I am not able to travel to ICANN 62, I want to thank Jacques Latour for stepping in to help with the usual presenting and emceeing that I do.
Please do join us for a great set of sessions about how we can work together to make the DNS more secure and trusted!
If you would like more information about DNSSEC or DANE, please visit our Start Here page to begin.
Image credit: ICANN
The post Watch Live On Monday, 25 June – DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 62 in Panama appeared first on Internet Society.
Jun 18
Alert – Web server host migration on June 19, 2018
As you may have noticed, our shiny new website has some speed issues. It is slow for many visitors. Over the past few months we’ve worked on a number of potential changes to improve the site performance. One big change we’re making is to move to a different hosting provider.
That change will happen tomorrow – Tuesday, 19 June 2018 at 13:00 UTC.
Assuming all goes well, you shouldn’t really notice – except that the site should be faster! But if you happen to be browsing the site around 13:00 UTC, you might see some glitches on pages while the DNS magic happens and we change to pointing to the new server.
Once we’ve made this migration, I’ll write more about what we have done and how it has helped our site’s performance. Meanwhile, I just wanted to give a quick alert about this impending change to anyone viewing our site.
The post Alert – Web server host migration on June 19, 2018 appeared first on Internet Society.
Jun 17
TDYR 351 – Thoughts About WordCamp Europe 2018
Jun 14
Heading to Belgrade This Week for WordCamp Europe 2018 (WCEU)
If any of you will be at WordCamp Europe 2018 this week in Belgrade, Serbia, please do say hello. I'll be there starting this afternoon and am greatly looking forward to learning from many of the people involved deeply in the WordPress community.
In particular I'm looking forward to the Developing for Privacy and Data Protection session. Based on the work done in the community to help website operators comply with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this workshop will look at what comes next. I'm personally very interested to see where this will go.
I'll also be going to some accessibility workshops and checking in on topics such as caching, security and mobility that are always of interest. I also have some meetings with partners and others.
Anyway, if you're there at WCEU 2018, feel free to drop me a note.
Jun 06