Dan York

Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...

Author's posts

Disruptive Telephony… … disrupted?

Disconnected handsetIt's been a while since I've written here on Disruptive Telephony... too long. :-(

It's not for a lack of topics ... my queue of things I would like to write about continues to grow and grow!

It's easy to say that my day job has consumed much of my writing time... and there's definitely a great bit of truth to that.

There's also the fact that I have two young children and a wife whom I adore and want to spend time with... as well as other priorities in life that have taken me away from writing as much as I used to.

I do, though, want to get back to writing here, and indeed across all my sites, a bit more.

Stay tuned...

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Are You Buying Home Electronics That Are Ready For IPv6?

US-RETAIL-BLACK FRIDAYAre you buying home electronics that are ready for IPv6?  At this time of year there are many sales both offline and online that offer dramatic discounts on home electronics and devices of all types.  Massive TVs, audio equipment, computers, home networking equipment… you name it… the opportunities are tempting!

As you consider whether that particular purchase is just too good to pass up, we would also suggest you ask:

  • Will it work with IPv6?

The truth is that the “Internet of Things” (IoT) is happening all around us and the “connected home” or “smart home” is becoming a reality.  As more and more connected devices get added to the home, there will be a need for more and more IP addresses… and ultimately homes will need to make the move to IPv6.

Hopefully when that happens all of your shiny home electronics equipment will work fine over IPv6!

To make sure you are prepared, we’d encourage you to do some research on any device that will be connected to a network and find out, if you can, whether it works with IPv6.

If you are going to be purchasing a new home wireless router, the UNH InterOperability Lab (IOL) has a helpful list of IPv6 Ready home routers that they have certified… but those may not be the latest and greatest releases that are on sale in the massive sales that are happening.

It may be hard to discover… but we would strongly encourage you to ask the question… and wherever you can make sure that the electronic devices that you bring in your home today will be able to work on the IPv6 networks that are already being deployed to homes all around the world!

And if you haven’t already started with IPv6, we’d encourage you to visit our Start Here page and learn how you can begin!

Image credit: diariocriticove on Flickr

Thank You For All Your Support And Help In 2014

IPv6 TurkeyIf you are reading this message, odds are pretty good that this is just another regular Thursday for you.  In fact, it might be a quieter Thursday than usual because you are receiving fewer email messages or articles from colleagues or people you know in the USA.  Maybe you’ll get a bit more done than other Thursdays!

For those of us in the USA, though, where 3/4 of our team is located, today is our Thanksgiving holiday and we’ll be spending the time with our friends and family, probably offline enjoying their company.

As we do that, though, we also want to give thanks to all of you out there who have helped us in so many ways.  Your feedback, suggestions and assistance have helped us grow this program in so many different ways.  We could not have done all that we have done over the past three years without your help.

Thank you!

As we gear up for what will be an incredibly busy year ahead of us in 2015, we will look forward to working with so many of you again to help accelerate the deployment of key technologies that will make the Internet work faster and be more secure and resilient.

In the meantime, those of us in the US will be enjoying a day off today and tomorrow.

P.S. If you are having a slow day… why not think about getting started with IPv6, DNSSEC, securing BGP, configuring anti-spoofing or using TLS in your applications? :-)

FIR #783 – 11/24/14 – For Immediate Release

Quick News: Confidence produces better results than reputation, Internet to hit 3 billion users next year, Mattel is in trouble again over Barbie, the post-PC CEO has no desk and no desktop; Ragan promo; News That Fits: is not allowing comments on your site a good idea?, Dan York's report, Uber's crisis, Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop, listener comments, CIPR dumps PRWeek, the past week on the FIR Podcast Network, Igloo Software promo, what to do when the online mob hates your new logo; music from Robyn Hitchcock; and more.

7 Asterisk VoIP Security Advisories Issued

Asterisk logoThe Digium / Asterisk Security Team has obviously been extremely busy ensuring that Asterisk is as secure as possible given that yesterday they released 7 security advisories, although only one of them (AST2014-16) was rated as “Critical”.  The others are rated as “Moderate” or “Minor” – but still are good reasons to upgrade to the latest versions of Asterisk.  The list of advisories is:

The issues are all fixed in the latest versions of Asterisk:

  • Asterisk Open Source, 11.14.1, 12.7.1, 13.0.1
  • Certified Asterisk 1.8.28-cert3, 11.6-cert8

Kudos to the Digium/Asterisk Security Team for the work they do in keeping Asterisk secure – and also for their openness in reporting the issues publicly!

Beginning A Season Of Youth Curling Bonspiels

Chloe curling 520

Tonight begins a new era in our lives as parents as our 12-year-old daughter competes for the first time in a curling "bonspiel" (tournament) that will go all weekend (or, at least, we hope so!). Over the past three years that she has been involved with the Petersham Curling Club youth program in nearby Petersham, MA, she's been in the "Little Rocks" program where she has played in typically three or four one-day bonspiels around New England.

But now that she has reached the age of 12 she is in the "Juniors" program... and they play at a much more serious level and in events that take a much greater amount of time!

The event this weekend is the Broomstones Junior Bonspiel at the Broomstones Curling Club in Wayland, Massachusetts, about two hours away from where we live. She's on a team with three other youth with whom she has been playing for three years. For those who know curling teams she'll be playing the "second" position in the team. (It's the second person of four to throw stones for a team.)

The games are full 8-end games, which means they'll be on the ice for a full two hours! Their schedule right now is:

  • Friday, Nov 21:
    • 7:15pm
  • Saturday, Nov 22:
    • 8:30am
    • 1:00pm
    • 6:30pm

The bonspiel is arranged in a series of brackets with the outcome determining who will play in the playoffs and finals on Sunday. We're certainly hopeful that the team will do well enough to be in the games on Sunday.

I'm excited for her... and as a parent I'll be there on the sidelines cheering her team on! (I'll also be posting updates and a few photos to the Petersham Youth Curling Facebook page.)

And then, yes... we have probably 3 or 4 more of these all-weekend events coming up over the course of the winter, along with some one-day events, too.

Let the curling season begin! :-)

LinkedIn Joins The World IPv6 Launch Measurements Project

LinkedIn logoWe were very pleased to read that LinkedIn is joining the WorldIPv6 Launch measurements effort and providing data about what it is seeing in the way of IPv6 deployment among the many visitors coming to LinkedIn’s sites.  In that post to the World IPv6 Launch blog, our colleague Mat Ford also pointed that the November 2014 IPv6 measurements are now out and show the continued growth of IPv6.

LinkedIn is no stranger to IPv6. You may recall the LinkedIn IPv6 case study we published earlier this year where they outlined their work on using IPv6 for SMTP.  I can also personally attest to the fact that when I connect to LinkedIn’s web site I can see via the IPvFoo plugin for Chrome that I’m connecting over IPv6.

Kudos to LinkedIn for stepping forward to help out with IPv6 measurements!  We look forward to seeing the continued growth of IPv6 as we have for the past months.

TDYR 186 – Japanese Dining Customs and other Reflections On My Short Visit

Some thoughts on dining customs in Japan and other cultural differences...

Watch Live Today at 13:00 US EST – DNSSEC Root KSK Ceremony 19

IANA logoIf you are interested in understanding a bit more about how the overall DNSSEC infrastructure operates, you can watch the “Root DNSSEC KSK Ceremony 19″ live today, November 20, 2014, from a data center in Culpeper, Virginia, USA, starting at 1:00 pm US Eastern time, which is 18:00 UTC.  All the information and the link to the live stream can be found at:


The key ceremonies are part of the activities performed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) under its contract to operate the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). As explained on the overview page:

Ceremonies are usually conducted four times a year to perform operations using the Root Key Signing Key, and involving Trusted Community Representatives. In a typical ceremony, the KSK is used to sign a set of operational ZSKs that will be used for a three month period to sign the DNS root zone. Other operations that may occur during ceremonies include installing new cryptographic officers, replacing hardware, or generating or replacing a KSK.

This ceremony today is to use the “master” root Key Signing Key (KSK) to generate a set of Zone Signing Keys (ZSKs) that will then be used until the next key ceremony.

There is a complete script that outlines the overall process that is used by ICANN to perform this operation today.  In the interest of transparency there is also a live video stream that will show the entire process and that will be archived for later viewing.

The “root key” is at the top of the “global chain of trust” that is used to ensure the correct validation of DNSSEC signatures (for more info see “The Two Sides of DNSSEC“) and so it is critical that the security and integrity of this root key be maintained.  Ceremonies such as the one today are a part of that effort.  If you are interested in learning more, today is a bit of a peek behind the curtain about how all of this happens…

P.S. If you want to learn more about how to get started with DNSSEC, please visit our “Start Here” page to find resources focused on your type of role or organization.

Testing Out Writing in Markdown

This is a top heading

This is some random text that I’m including purely for the sake of having some text here.

This is some more random text.

This should be a next level heading.

And here is some text from Bacon Ipsum:

Bacon ipsum dolor amet venison filet mignon tenderloin, short ribs jerky chuck pancetta pig pork chop. Tri-tip pastrami sausage tail, meatball shank spare ribs bacon jerky corned beef pig alcatra ball tip cow. Turkey bacon meatball brisket hamburger kielbasa. Pig chuck ground round cupim. Landjaeger tail boudin, shank pork belly ribeye biltong meatball sausage bresaola rump hamburger beef ribs pork chop. Ribeye doner capicola, shoulder rump prosciutto ground round pork loin kevin pork chop turkey pork belly shankle beef ribs corned beef. Ball tip ribeye hamburger bresaola.

Another 2nd-level heading

Brisket cow t-bone shank. Porchetta hamburger beef ribs, meatball biltong cow doner swine bacon shankle ribeye. Ground round andouille ham hock, sirloin t-bone tail rump prosciutto ham short loin spare ribs filet mignon. Short loin fatback pork chop, picanha short ribs ground round beef ham. Turducken short loin flank prosciutto salami.

And some bullets:

  • bacon

  • steak

  • turducken

Brisket tail ham hock, short loin jowl ribeye prosciutto shankle boudin landjaeger picanha. Turkey ribeye sirloin shoulder short ribs bacon sausage. Leberkas beef ribs beef shoulder fatback hamburger chuck ham sirloin pig short ribs shankle. Spare ribs bresaola ham hock, leberkas corned beef turkey picanha venison ham jerky sirloin hamburger boudin. Turkey landjaeger pork belly, ball tip hamburger rump swine.

Doner chicken pig porchetta beef ribs fatback cow jowl boudin short ribs landjaeger. Turkey drumstick brisket strip steak hamburger. Pork belly andouille pork shank venison salami tail ball tip shankle flank chuck. Drumstick prosciutto turkey pastrami ground round turducken cupim brisket leberkas kielbasa. Picanha tongue shank meatball, landjaeger turkey pork loin cow kevin tenderloin.