Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Dec 27
Looking For A Weekend Project? Check These Out… IPv6, DNSSEC, TLS, BGP and more…
Do you have some vacation time during Christmas and New Year’s Day? Are you looking for a weekend project to try out something new? Maybe improve your home network? Or learn a new skill for 2015? If so, why not check out our list of weekend projects at:
We’ve got all sorts of ideas related to IPv6, DNSSEC, TLS and much, much more…
There are all sorts of ways you can make your network work better, faster and be more secure – and ways to learn a great bit as well. Our Start Here page can help you get more information… and if you come up with a great weekend project idea, please do let us know! We’ll write about more in the future.
Enjoy your weekend! Make something happen!
Dec 26
To No Surprise, Indian Telcos Want to Block WhatsApp OTT VoIP
“Allowing the use of VoIP/ Internet telephony at such massive scale without licensing regime would lead to a significant disruption in the existing business of TSPs and can substantially derail their investment capability”
Gee... allowing a new innovative entrant into the market would lead to "significant disruption in the existing business" of the existing telcos.
Yes. Exactly.
And the representative further pointed out that this could lead to a "significant loss of revenues" for the government in the form of taxes.
Yes. Exactly.
This is the nature of Over-The-Top (OTT) applications and services. In providing better services for customers they very often DO cause "significant disruption" to existing businesses.
This is the nature of innovation.
This is the value of the "permissionless innovation" that has made the Internet the amazing tool for communication, collaboration and creation that it is today.
The folks at WhatsApp don't need to ask anyone to roll out VoIP, as articles seem to point to them being ready to do soon. (See also this AndroidWorld.nl article in Dutch.)
They just do it.
And... of course... the legacy telcos fight back using every tool in their formidable arsenal, which includes of course legislation and government lobbying such as that shown in this article.
India has NOT been a very friendly place for VoIP historically, and so we'll have to see what happens here...
[UPDATE: Aswath Rao says I'm wrong with this last sentence and that India has been friendly to pure IP-to-IP VoIP systems.]
... but while they can attempt to throw up as many roadblocks as they can... in the end my bet would be on the OTT services and applications to win.
They provide the services the customers want... and can probably do so at a much more reasonable cost... and in the user experience that the customers want.
A classic example of "disruptive telephony"...
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Dec 26
TDYR 205 – Curling Juniors Playdowns This Weekend
Dec 26
Fun Intro to DNSSEC Video From the Norid Team
As part of the signing of .NO with DNSSEC, the Norid team came out with a clever video explaining how DNSSEC works. Now, it’s all in Norwegian so I personally can’t understand any of the words… but you get the idea and the animation is well-done. Kudos to the Norid team for creating the video:
If you’d like an English video explanation of DNSSEC, you can check out this one from the folks at Shinkuro a few years back:
And if you’d like to get started with DNSSEC yourself, please head on over to our Start Here page to find resources to help you begin!
Dec 25
Video: "Mary, Did You Know?" From Pentatonix
If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a wonderful day of celebration... I did with my family today and I am so thankful and grateful for all that I have in my life today. And if you don't celebrate Christmas... well, I hope you had a wonderful day!
Dec 24
Ceremonies of Light and Dark
What I so love about this time of darkness in the northern hemisphere is all the "ceremonies of light and dark". Because it is so dark, we seek out times to celebrate the light.
To drive back the darkness.
To celebrate with friends and family.
To embrace the wonder of the flame.
To shine out as a beacon of love and hope.
And there are so many different ceremonies of so many different religions and faith traditions:
- the advent candles and candlelight services of Christian churches, along with the Christmas trees.
- the menorahs of Judaism.
- candles and fires of earth-centered faiths.
... and, of course, all the lighting of our home decorations....
I enjoy the candles the best... the simple flames, burning as they do.
This is one of my favorite parts of the season.... the light in the darkness.
A time of hope... for the light that is yet to come.
Dec 23