Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Jan 10
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel – Draw 3 – Jan 10, 9:00am
Draw 3 at the Nashua Curling Club. Featured game on Sheet 1 between Boston CC and Petersham 2. |
Dan York
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Time: 01:55:10 | More in People & Blogs |
Jan 09
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel – Draw 2 – Friday, Jan 9, 2015, 8:15pm
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel - Draw 2 - Friday, Jan 9, 2015, 8:15pm Featuring Cape Cod 1 vs. Petersham 1. |
Dan York
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Time: 02:03:06 | More in People & Blogs |
Jan 09
2015 Nashua Juniors Bonspiel
The Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel took place from January 9-11, 2015, at the Nashua Curling Club in Nashua, NH.
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel – Draw 2 – Friday, Jan 9, 2015, 8:15pm
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel – Draw 3 – Jan 10, 9:00am
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel – Draw 4 – Jan 10 – 11:15am
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel – Draw 5 – Jan 10, 2:00pm
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel – Draw 6 – Jan 10 – 4:30 pm
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel – Sunrise Event – Sun, Jan 11, 8:45am
Note that the game begins at 7:20.
Nashua Juniors Curling Bonspiel – Second Event Final – Jan 11, 11:00am
Note that the game begins around 4:11.
Jan 08
About This Site
Every so often I (Dan York) will bring my live streaming gear to a curling bonspiel and stream out live video of the games. This site exists so that I can have an easy link to give out to people to find the games. I previously curled at the Petersham Curling Club in Petersham, MA, but moved in 2018 to Shelburne, VT, and now curl at the Bedford Curling Club in Bedford, Quebec. I occasionally write about curling and may be contacted through various addresses.
Jan 07
DNSSEC Makes The Front Cover of SC Magazine
It’s not every day that the topic of DNSSEC makes the front cover of a print magazine… but it did with the January 2015 issue of SC Magazine. In an article titled “Keys to the Internet“, Tony Morbin, Editor-in-Chief of SC Magazine interviews Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder of .SE about the global deployment of DNSSEC. It’s a good article and Tony Morbin was kind enough to include some of the comments I’d provided about the two sides of DNSSEC. There’s also a side article from Jim Galvin about the registrar-related themes he’s been discussing lately.
Congrats to Anne-Marie on the article and I do hope this will help SC Magazine readers and others understand how important it is that we get DNSSEC more widely deployed. As I was quoted in the article:
The reality is that despite the additional requirements, DNSSEC provides the best mechanism we have today to add more trust and security to DNS.
We need to get DNSSEC and DANE more widely deployed to increase the overall security of the Internet. At the minimum, we need more people enabling DNSSEC validation, which often involves only changing a line in a DNS server configuration file.
Want to know how YOU can help? Please visit our Start Here page to find resources tailored to your type of organization or role.
Jan 05
FIR #789 – 1/5/15 – For Immediate Release
Jan 05
FIR #788 – 1/5/15 – For Immediate Release
Jan 02
Are You Protected By DNSSEC? A Quick Way To Check
Want a quick way to check if you have DNSSEC validation working at your site? Just go to:
You’ll see either a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down:
If you get a thumbs-up then all the DNS queries were validated with DNSSEC. If you get a thumbs-down then your local DNS resolver is either not validating with DNSSEC or is not validating all queries. Time to figure out what’s wrong!
If you need to configure DNSSEC validation, we recommend SURFnet’s white paper that includes easy steps for common DNS resolvers.
And if you know very little about DNSSEC and want to learn more, please visit our Start Here page to begin!
Jan 01
My Four Words For 2015
Over the past six months or so I've been giving a great amount of thought to what exactly I want to be doing - in many different aspects of my life. Part of that came about as part of looking at my role within the Internet Society and thinking about what makes the most sense for my particular skills and interests. But perhaps a larger part came about in some of the reading and discussions my wife and I have been having around what many call "minimalism" or variations on that theme. Basically... looking at how to do fewer things better. We only have so many hours in the day and we choose how we are going to spend those hours... and we choose what we give our attention to. My wife's ongoing experience with cancer treatments has certainly changed our overall perspective and made us think about what is most important to us.
This year I want to continue that effort into distilling things down to what are really the "essentials" in my life upon which I wish to focus. This may mean focusing more and putting aside some side projects... or admitting that some project ideas may just never happen - and that's okay.
To go back to that wonderful quote from the poet Mary Oliver:
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
And even more so... what will I do - or not do - in pursuit of that?
Given that my last book was published four years ago back in 2011, I do feel a bit of a desire to have another book come out some time soon. An obvious candidate is to pitch O'Reilly on doing a Second Edition of Migrating Applications to IPv6 given that a lot has changed in four years and that there is much more that can be said about IPv6 based on the deployment experience to date. I also have several ideas for books in the telephony/telecom/VoIP space.
I also have several ideas for books outside the pure technology space... more in the public relations / marketing / social media space. And there are some other ideas I have floating around my head...
Ideas for books are easy... it's making the time to create the book that is the challenge! I'd like to see what I can do in 2015 to at least get some book project underway.
"Health" was actually one of my three words back in 2010 and as I noted in my 2011 post I went far in 2010 dropping 45 pounds and starting to get into running. Last year "running" was one of my words and I'm now pretty confident that running is part of my lifestyle and just part of what I do.
But... now this year I need to focus a bit broader than just running. It's been a while since I've had a physical and there are some other health issues I'd like to address. It's time to do a bit more to ensure I'm around for the long term.
This is not so much an aspiration as an admission that this year may more heavily involve the sport of curling that I enjoy so much. There are two aspects here. First, my soon-to-be-13-year-old daughter enjoys curling and shows some interest in doing more competitively. IF she does that (and it's still an "if"), that will set us on a potential path of bonspiels (tournaments) and camps that may set the tone for much of our family activity for the year. We'll see. Second, I very much want to see this be the year when we start making some headway with starting up the Monadnock Curling Club and looking at bringing the sport of curling to our region of New Hampshire.
That's what I'm thinking about right now for this year... I have a sense that 2015 could be a big year on a number of different fronts... we'll have to see how it turns out.
Meanwhile... Happy New Year! May 2015 be a great year for you!
An audio version of this post is available:
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