Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Jan 26
FIR #792 – 1/26/15 – For Immediate Release
Jan 26
FIR #792 – 1/26/15 – For Immediate Release
Jan 25
TDYR 217 – The Beauty of Ice Skating on Winter Ponds
Jan 23
TDYR 216 – The Frustration of Canceling A Curling Bonspiel, And Weather Forecasts
Jan 22
Over 75% of All Top-Level Domains (TLDs) Now Signed With DNSSEC (Featured Blog)
Jan 22
FYI: Translated Pages To Start Appearing Soon On Deploy360 Site
As Chris noted in his recent “Onwards and Upwards” post, one of our 2015 goals for this Deploy360 site is “to translate the most useful and often referenced resources into as many languages as is practical”. As he went on to note, we’re currently in the process of translating some of those resources into the five languages other than English used by the United Nations. Specifically:
- Arabic
- Chinese (Simplified)
- French
- Spanish
- Russian
I have translations back from the firm we used and expect to be moving those into place over the next couple of weeks. I wanted to give you all a heads-up about this since the website should show a translated version of the page when you get to a page if a translation is available… and so if you have your browser defaulting to a language other than English you may be surprised when you are visiting here!
Now, to set expectations, I should note that we translated the top 25 most visited resources on the site as well as the pages for each topic and the Start Here hierarchy of pages. It’s not the whole site, but it’s a start.
I also wanted to post this because there may be a few bumps in the process and I don’t know if there will be impacts to the user experience of visiting this site. If you do see pages loading strangely on the site, or experience issues with using the site, please be aware that it may be because I’m working on the site. You are also welcome to report the issues to me. I also anticipate a chance that some of the translated URLs could change as we experiment with the best way to make the information available.
Thanks for your patience and we look forward to being able to share our information with an even larger audience in more languages!
P.S. For those curious about how we are making translations of our pages available, we are using the WPML plugin for WordPress.
Jan 22
Watch Live Today – DNSSEC Root KSK Ceremony 20 at 12:15 PST / 20:15 UTC
Streaming live today from El Segundo, CA, will be the 20th “key ceremony” related to the Key Signing Key (KSK) for the Root zone of DNSSEC. The page containing all the relevant links is at:
The ceremony starts at 12:15pm US Pacific Standard Time (20:15 UTC) and will conclude at 5:00 pm PST (01:00+1day UTC). If you are interested in understanding more about the security of the overall DNSSEC system, the ceremony shows the process and care taken to administer the DNSSEC keys of the root of DNS.
The key ceremonies are part of the activities performed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) under its contract to operate the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). As explained on the overview page:
Ceremonies are usually conducted four times a year to perform operations using the Root Key Signing Key, and involving Trusted Community Representatives. In a typical ceremony, the KSK is used to sign a set of operational ZSKs that will be used for a three month period to sign the DNS root zone. Other operations that may occur during ceremonies include installing new cryptographic officers, replacing hardware, or generating or replacing a KSK.
This ceremony today is to use the “master” root Key Signing Key (KSK) to generate a set of Zone Signing Keys (ZSKs) that will then be used until the next key ceremony.
There is a lengthy script that outlines the process that will be used today:
The process is open via the live video stream for all to see. The video recording will also be archived for later viewing.
P.S. If you want to learn more about how to get started with DNSSEC, please visit our “Start Here” page to find resources focused on your type of role or organization.
Jan 20
TDYR 215 – Reflections on Sri Lanka and the Road To Kandy
Jan 19