Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Feb 16
FIR #795 – 2/16/15 – For Immediate Release
Feb 12
Is It Finally Time To Dump Feedburner? All Subscriptions Go To Zero…
The writing has been on the wall for quite a long time that Google doesn't really care about Feedburner. There haven't been any substantive updates to the service in years and in fact they've removed services and integrations.
Tonight Dave Delaney posted an update to Facebook that let us know that Feedburner's stats were now showing 0 subscribers for all his feeds. I logged in and sure enough...
I can't find any mention of an outage or issue on Google's pages... and so we have no clue whether this is a temporary transient outage - or whether this is a sign of a further decline in Feedburner's service.
I'm one who has continued using Feedburner for most of my sites, in part just out of sheer inertia (i.e. having many other things I want to do that take higher priority to fixing things that aren't broken) but also because I've liked the service provided by Feedburner, particularly around statistics. I've tried other services (although not in the last year) and hadn't really found anything that gave as good a view into who is probably reading your feed.
Obviously I can just start promoting the raw RSS feeds that are the ones I added to Feedburner... but they don't give a sense of how many subscribers they may be.
But if the statistics are no longer working, then perhaps there is no longer a reason to stay at Feedburner... and so maybe I do have to actually make the time to make the move.
What do you all think? If you used to use Feedburner and don't, what are you using as a replacement?
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Feb 11
TDYR 224 – Leaving Singapore and ICANN 52
Feb 11
ISOC at ICANN52, Thursday: Public Forums and IANA Transition and Accountability
On this final day of ICANN 52 in Singapore, the main events will be the Public Forum and the Public Meeting of the ICANN Board. Both of these are events where any member of the ICANN community can ask questions of the ICANN Board, staff and other leaders. They operate under very strict timelines (2 minutes per speaker) and usually provide an interesting view into the concerns and interests of the wider ICANN community. You can follow along remotely at:
Feb 10
Streaming Live Now – DNSSEC Workshop At ICANN52
Right now the DNSSEC Workshp is streaming live out of ICANN 52 in Singapore. You can watch and listen live at:
You can also download the slides that will be presented today. As you look at the agenda, please note that all times are Singapore Time which is UTC+8. (So, for instance, the 8:30 am SGT start time of the DNSSEC Workshop on Wednesday, 11 Feb, will be 1:30am Wednesday in Central European Time and 7:30pm Tuesday evening in US Eastern time.) Here is a view from the room today:
We’re looking forward to a great day of discussions!
Feb 10
Watch Live NOW – DNSSEC Workshop From ICANN52 In Singapore
What is happening with DNSSEC in the Asia-Pacific region? What are DNSSEC and DANE all about, anyway? What challenges are large DNS operators encountering when deploying DNSSEC?
As I mentioned last week, all these questions are being discussed TODAY (in fact right now) at the DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 52 in Singapore. You can watch and listen live at:
You can also download the slides that will be presented today. As you look at the agenda, please note that all times are Singapore Time which is UTC+8. (So, for instance, the 8:30 am SGT start time of the DNSSEC Workshop on Wednesday, 11 Feb, will be 1:30am Wednesday in Central European Time and 7:30pm Tuesday evening in US Eastern time.) Here is a view from the room today:
The sessions for today will be:
- Introduction and DNSSEC Deployment Around the World
- DNSSEC Deployment in the Asia Region
- 10th Anniversary of DNSSEC Workshops
- Reverse DNS and DNSSEC in Japan
- ccTLD Deployment Experiences
- The Operational Realities of Running DNSSEC
- When Unexpected DNSSEC Events Occur
- DNSSEC and DNS Operators
As a member of the Program Committee, I am very pleased with the presentations and speakers we have and I’m very much looking forward to the event. The last panel, in particular, is of interest to me as it will involve a number of DNS operators, including CloudFlare, talking about challenges they have encountered while rolling out large-scale DNSSEC and looking to identify solutions within the community. It should be a very interesting session. I also always enjoy the DNSSEC case studies from the regional panels.
If you want to get started NOW with deploying DNSSEC, why not visit our Start Here page to find resources tailored for your type of organization?
Feb 10
ISOC at ICANN52, Wednesday: The DNSSEC Workshop And Other Technology Topics
As happens on every Wednesday of an ICANN week, a major focus today will be the 6+ hour DNSSEC Workshop that will bring together some of the greatest DNS-related technical minds from across the industry for a session focused on how we continue to move DNSSEC forward and make the Internet more secure. Attendees will learn about the current state of DNSSEC deployment within the region, about new tools and services and will discuss some of the current challenges and work together to discussion potential solutions. Organized by the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), the DNSSEC Deploy
Feb 09
ISOC At ICANN52, Tuesday: Constituency Day and A Meeting of Internet Society Members
Tuesday at ICANN 52 is what is usually called "constituency day" within the ICANN community as all the various supporting organizations, stakeholder groups and constituency groups hold their individual meetings. You can see this quite clearly if you look at the ICANN schedule for today.
Feb 09
FIR #794 – 2/9/15 – For Immediate Release
Feb 09