Tonight I was looking at my aggregation site and I was confused… why were my posts from my site NOT appearing in the master list? I *knew* I had written there.
Of course my initial thought was some problem with the RSS feed. Yep!
On I’m using the older FeedWordPress plugin for WordPress that does RSS syndication. A quick look told me that the feed it was supposed to be pulling in was:
Except… that was showing up as invalid XML.
After some trial and error, I discovered that… I need to drop the “www” on the feed! If I instead use this:
Then… everything works!
I made the update to the FeedWordPress settings, forced an “Update Now” and … …. the posts started appearing again at!
So it’s somewhere between a DNS issue (cue “it’s always DNS!”) and a web hosting issue. My site is one of the ones that I still have running on the old TypePad platform…. and THAT is where I suspect the issue lies.
is just a CNAME pointing over to
, where TypePad is then redirecting it to my specific blog. However, if I do a ‘curl
’ for the www URL, I can see I get a plain HTML page that looks like it may be trying to do a meta refresh. If I do a ‘curl
’ on the non-www URL, I get the correct RSS feed.
However, in an amusing bit of , the RSS feed says that it should be at “
<atom10:link xmlns:atom10="" rel="self" href="" type="application/rss+xml" />
But of course that won’t work.
So… something for me to dive into at some point and figure out.
Maybe I should call my IT team! Oh, wait… that’s … me!