April 2021 archive
Apr 01
TDYR 407 – More Social Audio from Discord, Spotify, Telegram, and… LinkedIn?
As Clubhouse turns 1, every other service seems to want to have their own rival version. On the last show 406 I talked about Twitter Spaces, which has continued to evolve and improve. Facebook has indicated they are building their own… and in this episode I talk about new entrants from Discord and LinkedIn… and Spotify’s entrance into the game, as well as Telegram adding voice chats to their messaging app. More in these links:
- https://blog.discord.com/captivate-your-community-with-stage-channels-46bbb756e89b
- https://techcrunch.com/2021/03/30/linkedin-confirms-its-working-on-a-clubhouse-rival-too/
- https://newsroom.spotify.com/2021-03-30/spotify-acquires-locker-room-and-announces-plans-for-a-new-live-audio-experience/
- https://www.axios.com/spotify-betty-labs-locker-room-52550d15-3c05-48ed-b924-a9404c31901b.html
- https://telegram.org/blog/voice-chats-on-steroids
- https://www.makeuseof.com/telegram-is-launching-an-unlimited-upgrade-to-voice-chats/
Plus the cautionary tale about who audio channels may be excluding:
- https://slate.com/technology/2021/03/clubhouse-voice-social-media-people-who-stutter.html