December 6, 2016 archive

Over 50% of .CZ domains now signed with DNSSEC!

CZ domain statisticsCongrats to the team at CZ.NIC and to Internet users within the Czech Republic – the number of .CZ domains signed with DNSSEC just passed over the 50% mark! It’s great to see so many businesses, organizations and individuals using .CZ domains now receiving the higher level of trust that comes with DNSSEC signatures.

CZ.NIC’s Ondrej Filip spread the news yesterday in a tweet:

This milestone fits well with other European country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) that also have significant signing of second-level domains, including: Norway’s .NO (58.2%), Sweden’s .SE (also 51.3%), the Netherland’s .NL (45%).

Congrats to Ondrej and the whole team at .CZ for achieving this milestone! Now on to the remaining 48.7%…  🙂

If you want the higher level of trust that comes with signing your domain with DNSSEC, please visit our “Start Here” page to find resources to help you begin!