As has been our practice for the last several IETF meetings, a group of us involved with DNSSEC got together at about 7:30am on Friday, July 25, 2014, at IETF 90 in Toronto to talk about… well… whatever we wanted… but often involving DNSSEC! As usual it was an enjoyable time catching up and learning more about each other… and talking about new ideas and new ways we could do things.
This breakfast included: Shumon Huque, Paul Ebersman, Mike Baer, Dan York (me), Russ Mundy, Frederico Neves and Wes Hardaker.
If you’d like to join into DNSSEC-related activities such as this, please feel free to join the public “dnssec-coord” mailing list where we coordinate plans like this to get together.
And if you’d like to learn more about DNSSEC, please check out our Start Here page to learn more about how to get started!