Wednesday at IETF90 is a bit quieter day for our Deploy360 topics, which is nice after the crazy schedule of yesterday and of Monday . It’s still quite busy and starts off with our team member Jan Žorž presenting in the OPS Area Working Group about our “Operators and the IETF” project, as well as IPv6 activity happening in the DHC Working Group. We learned of a new DANE draft happening in the TRAM Working Group. The CrypTech project has a lunch briefing and the Routing Area Working Group meets this afternoon. More info below…
If you’d like to join the OPSAWG or TRAM sessions (or any of the others) remotely to hear the discussion you can follow the instructions on the IETF 90 Remote Participation page or use the “tools-style” agenda page that provides easy links to the audio stream, jabber chat room documents and more for each of the sessions.
OPS Area Working Group - and IPv6 in DHC
In the Operations Area Working Group from 9:00-11:30 EDT, Jan is going to be speaking about our “Operators and the IETF” project and presenting some preliminary results from the survey we undertook to understand what were some of the reasons network operators had for not participating in the IETF standards process. The goal here is to relay the feedback we’ve collected thus far and have a conversation about how we might be able to get more network operators involved with the IETF so that we can improve the amount of operational feedback provided into the standards process.
At the same time in another room the DHC Working Group will be covering a great many topics related to IPv6 and DHCP, specifically clarifying various points about how DHCP works with IPv6 and how to use DHCP more securely.
Lunch Briefing About The CrypTech Project
During the lunch break from 11:30-13:00 EDT in the Quebec Room there will be a briefing about the CrypTech Project, a fascinating project to develop an open hardware cryptographic engine. Our colleague Lucy Lynch recently wrote about this in a blog post, “The Black Box Paradox – How to Trust a Secret on Today’s Internet“. It looks quite interesting.
A DANE Draft in TRAM
In a side conversation with Marc Petit-Huguenin here at IETF 90 on Monday I learned that he has a DANE-related draft in the TRAM Working Group. The TRAM WG is focused on improving the TURN and STUN servers that facilitate real-time communications between people who are behind NAT boxes such as home / enterprise firewalls. This is particularly of interest to people working on WebRTC/RTCWEB. Marc’s draft, draft-petithuguenin-tram-stun-dane-00, defines how DANE can be used by STUN clients to secure the TLS connection with servers. His slides are available.
After that we’ll probably be in the Routing Area Working Group and then listening to the Operations and Administration Plenary tonight. And then we’ll be getting ready for another VERY busy day tomorrow!
The information about the relevant working groups today is:
DHC (Dynamic Host Configuration) WG
(Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 0900-1130 EDT, Salon B)
OPSAWG (OPS Area Working Group) WG
(Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 0900-1130 EDT, Ontario)
TRAM (TURN Revised and Modernized) WG
(Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 1300-1130 EDT, Manitoba)
RTGWG (Routing Area Working Group) WG
(Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 0900-1130 EDT, Ballroom)
For more background on what is happening at IETF 90, please see our “Rough Guide to IETF 90″ posts on the ITM blog:
- Rough Guide to IETF 90: DNSSEC, DANE and DNS Security (see also our Deploy360 post on the topic)
- Rough Guide To IETF 90: IPv6 Is Everywhere, eh?
- ISOC Rough Guide to IETF 90: Routing Resilience
- Overview: ISOC Rough Guide to IETF 90: Toronto, Eh?
If you are here at IETF 90 in Toronto, please do feel free to say hello to a member of the Deploy360 team. And if you want to get started with IPv6, DNSSEC or one of our other topics, please visit our “Start Here” page to find resources appropriate to your type of organization.