May 31, 2014 archive
May 31
Telegeography’s Submarine Cable Map Now Lets You Link to Specific Cables or Landing Points (Featured Blog)
Want to easily show people where a specific submarine cable goes? Or what cables terminate in a particular location? Last year I wrote about Telegeography's cool interactive submarine cable map and how useful it is to understand the submarine cable side of Internet infrastructure. In that article I mentioned how great it would be if you could get a link for a particular cable or location that you could pass along to other people. More...
May 31
TDYR #155 – Djibouti – First Impressions And Thoughts
What is it like in Djibouti? WHERE is Djibouti? What am I doing here? In this episode I answer all those questions and talk about what I've learned about Djibouti and my first impressions of the day or so that I've been here. More info at:
P.S. I should have mentioned that there is a huge military presence here from the US, French and other nations.