May 12, 2014 archive
May 12
TDYR #152 – The Big Downside Of Depending On Facebook For Contacting People
TDYR #152 - The Big Downside Of Depending On Facebook For Contacting People by Dan York
May 12
FIR #755 – 5/11/14 – For Immediate Release
Quick News: Marketing execs call PR an underutilized strategy, new Twitter profiles are coming, Twitter adds social recruiting, EasyJet's aviation first with drones and more; Ragan promo; News that Fits: tips for creating social media analytics reports, Dan York's Tech Report, getting hashtags right, Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop, listener comments, the digital cavalry is no savior for the print news business, the past week on FIR, Michael Netzley's Asia Report, Igloo promo, Vine's new website is a big deal for marketers; music from Col. Bruce Hampton and Aquarium Rescue Unit; and more.