How you you think DNSSEC and specifically DANE could be used with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) to provide an added layer of security to voice / video communications over IP? (a.k.a. “VoIP”) I started raising this question back in a presentation at SIPNOC 2013 and again in a recent VUC interview about DNSSEC and VoIP, but today to my delight Olle Johansson dove a bit deeper with a set of slides about SIP and DNSSEC / DANE he posted up on SlideShare. These are just his “brainstorming” a bit about how DNSSEC/DANE could work with SIP – and he has posted them for comment and feedback:
I like that he went deeper than I had done into precisely where in the SIP interactions DNSSEC / DANE could play a role. Olle is definitely looking for comment which you can leave in many different places (such as SlideShare, this blog post, anywhere it’s posted on social networks) or can send directly to Olle or send out on the DANE working group mailing list.
I’m pleased to see the continued evolution of this discussion… and I look forward to seeing more work happen in this space. (Note that I’ve set up a page here about DNSSEC and VoIP to track where some of this work is happening (and am always looking for items to add).)