November 22, 2012 archive

Thank you for all of your support and assistance with IPv6, DNSSEC

Today is the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S.A. where the current members of our team all live. It is a day off for us and we will be spending it with our family and friends, giving thanks for them and for so many other aspects of our lives.

We also want to thank you, the many readers of this site, for all your support since we began this experiment in publishing deployment-related information about a year ago.  Thank you for all the suggestions you have given us. Thank you for all the feedback where you have offered ideas about how we could better help.  Thank you for all the retweets… the shares and “likes” on Facebook and Google+… the articles mentioning our site…. and the so many other ways that you all have helped spread the word about the resources we have here on Deploy360.

Thank you, most of all, for being out there deploying IPv6 and DNSSEC… for making it happen in big ways and little ways… for overcoming the obstacles… for being persistent and focused… for getting it done.

Together we are changing the world in our own way… bringing about an Internet that is more open to endless possibilities and innovation… and that is more secure for all of us.

Thank you for all you do.

Thank You

Today, for most of the seven billion people in the world, it is just yet another ordinary day.  Nothing special... just another day.

But for those of us living in the USA it is our "Thanksgiving". It is a public holiday that most people get off. And it is for me the holiday that in so many ways I enjoy the most.


Simple ... because it has not yet become over-commercialized. Tomorrow, of course, is an epic nightmare of consumerism and crass commercialism (and the participation in which I avoid as much as possible).

But today, for the most part, is a collective... pause

Throughout our nation (and around the world for those living abroad) people gather with friends, family, loved ones. Most businesses are closed (except for many restaurants, convenience stores and some gas stations).  People eat (often large quantities), play, relax and enjoy each other's company.

It is a moment to revel in that gathering... to reflect on how we are thankful for what we have... to help out those who need help... to pause in a sacred moment and give thanks.

And so I take this moment... here... on this site... to thank all of YOU out there.  All of you who continue to read my articles... to listen to my podcasts... to read my books... to watch my videos... to hear me in presentations... to read my newsletter... to engage with me on social media...  thank you!

Thank you also for challenging me... for asking me tough questions... for giving me feedback... for doing all those things that help me to grow and learn and become even better in what I do and help me learn how to be of better service to you all.

Thank you.

For the 6.7+ billion of you for whom today is a perfectly normal day, I hope you have an excellent day. For those of you celebrating US Thanksgiving, I hope that you all are able to gather with those you love - and that you are able somewhere in the madness to pause for even just a moment and reflect on all that you have to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. It's not all rosy, of course.  Many people cannot be with their family and friends. Many people do not have food, homes, or the money or means to travel to visit people. Even "normal" family gatherings can be filled with tension, drama and crisis.  It can be a quite bleak and depressing time for many.  For those of us who are able to celebrate, the question becomes, too... what can we do to help others?  How can we translate our thankfulness into action to help those who are struggling?  Can we dedicate part of our lives to helping other people have something more to be thankful for?