The Deploy360 Programme staff has been collecting requirements and feedback for DNSSEC-related content from the community here at the Deploy360 site, from within social networks and at our ION conferences.
Based on that feedback, this document is an analysis of the IPv6-related content that needs to be added to the Deploy360 Programme website. Each section lists two areas of content:
- Requirements – content that must be added to the site for this section to be “complete” in terms of meeting the section’s education goal.
- Enhancements – content that we would like to add to each section. This content may be added after the required content is complete or if additional funding, staff or volunteers can be found to assist with this content.
This is a living document that will be continually updated and changed as we complete listed items, discover new items we believe need to be added and/or receive feedback from the larger community about items that need to be added or removed from the list. (And we welcome your feedback on these documents.)
The content listed below will either be curated (i.e. found on the Internet, verified for accuracy and pointed to with a review from the Deploy360 site) or will be created by the Deploy360 team in conjunction with partners and volunteers.
Separate from the content identified here, there is also the need to translate the content on the Deploy360 site into other languages.
Feedback on this roadmap is definitely welcome. Thank you.
- Intro document – What DNSSEC is, why it matters, etc.
- Information about how to ensure your local DNS server will pass along DNSSEC records
- More information about the role of DS records within parent domains
- Information about DANE and the value it brings
- More information about the business reasons for using the added security of DNSSEC
- Information about how SSL and DNSSEC can work together
- Tutorials for how to use DNSSEC at various registrars (expanding the current list)
- Guidance on DNSSEC key rollover
- Information about establishing a DNSSEC Policy and Practice Statement (DPS)
- DNSSEC RFC review
- Videos/screencasts of securing and signing your domain using various registrars
- Animated video (Common Craft-style) that explains DNSSEC to regular audience
- Assistance in editing/updating the DNSSEC HOWTO maintained by NLnet Labs
- Marketing-type materials for internal advocates to champion DNSSEC
Case Studies
- Case study (text) with a registry
- Case study with a registrar making DNSSEC available to customers
- Case studies with ISPs deploying DNSSEC-validating name servers
- Case studies with multiple developers of different types of applications
- Video case studies with all of the above
- Design and publish “deployment scenarios” for DNSSEC that are suited to specific industry segments rather than rely solely on case studies
- Tutorial on how to add CZ.NIC DNSSEC extension to Microsoft IE
- Tutorial/info about how to configure DNSSEC using
- PowerDNS
- Unbound
- Windows 8
- (other servers)
- Pointers to more of the existing videos/screencasts about DNSSEC tools
- Videos/screencasts of adding DNSSEC extensions to Chrome, Firefox, IE
- Videos/screencasts of configuring DNSSEC using the various nameservers
- Identification of further courseware available for open/free usage
- Further identification of additional train-the-trainer courseware
- Creation of additional written courseware
- Creation of deployment-focused e-learning / video tutorials
- Ongoing webinar series offering IPv6 education
- Develop and standardize a training package for DNSSEC that trainers and consultants can use as a base for educating their customers
Network Operators (including registries and registrars)
- Guidelines for considerations for supporting DNSSEC
- Include information about whether or not to validate at ISP-level
- Case studies (previously covered above)
- Questions to ask vendors regarding DNSSEC support
- Pointers to databases of DNSSEC-enabled software and services
- Information about DNSSEC automation software
- Tutorial on DNSSEC deployment at the gTLD/ccTLD level
- Commissioned analyst whitepapers on DNSSEC
- Videos/screencasts related to DNSSEC implementation at operator level
- Funding to assist in adding DNSSEC capability to registry/registrar software
- Guidelines/best practices for adding DNSSEC support to applications
- Case studies (previously covered above)
- Videos/screencasts showing use of DNSSEC libraries
- Creation of additional open source test tools and/or libraries
Content Providers
- Case studies
- Information about business case / value in using DNSSEC
- Information about how to work with registrars in signing domains
- Information about using content delivery networks (CDNs) that support DNSSEC
- Information about DANE and other uses of DNSSEC
- (Same video screencasts as under DNSSEC Basics)
Consumer Electronics Manufacturers
- Case studies
- Information about business case / value in using DNSSEC
- (similar information as with Developers in how to add DNSSEC support to a device)
- (Same video screencasts as under DNSSEC Basics and Developers)
Enterprise Customers
- More material helping C-levels understand the need to deploy DNSSEC
- Business case / cost benefit analysis support for DNSSEC
- Case studies
- (Tutorials on DNSSEC configuration as referenced earlier)
- Commissioned analyst whitepapers on DNSSEC
- Videos/screencasts related to enterprise usage of DNSSEC
- Slides / materials to help enterprise advocates promote DNSSEC within their enterprise