Tag: DocBook

Video: How To Create a Simple DocBook document using oXygen XML editor

Recently I’ve needed to get back into creating some DocBook documents and needed to refresh my knowledge of the latest tools. Back about 10 years ago, I did a great amount with DocBook and spoke about single-source publishing at conferences and created a few tools and vimrc macros. However, since that time I’ve not done much with DocBook – and obviously the tools and toolchain have evolved a bit.

In looking around, I’m quite impressed by what the oXygen XML editor can do with DocBook. oXygen looks quite powerful! It’s also got a bit of a price tag… on the other hand, I know that putting together the pieces to create your own toolchain can take a bit of work. The ever-present tradeoff between your time and your money…

I think I’ll certainly try out the 30-day trial to see what the writing experience is like.

This video shows how to create a simple DocBook document using oXygen and certainly makes a compelling argument for how easy the editor can be:


Do any of you use oXygen? Have you found it worth the price?